California Commission Updates Electric Transmission Permitting Process to Improve Grid Reliability

The California Public Utilities Commission on Jan. 30 updated its electric transmission siting rules to streamline planning and permitting processes and expedite transmission infrastructure projects. The changes to the process are part of proceedings initiated in May 2023 and modifications to General Order 131-D to accelerate new transmission upgrade projects as California’s electric demand increases.

Among the key changes, the update includes a pre-filing consultation for new transmission projects. Before applying, project stakeholders must convene with commission staff at least six months before submission to ensure an efficient review process.

Applicants can now also include their own draft copies of California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, documentation along with their applications so as to minimize duplication and expedite the review process by having more of the analysis done before submitting an application. To further improve the environmental review process, the commission established a new pilot program to keep track of the progress of the transmission projects and CEQA review activities.

Another key change pertains to “the presumption of need” determination when evaluating new transmission projects. The commission will defer to the decision of the California Independent System Operator regarding the project to establish the necessity of a proposed project.

In its latest decision, the commission made further updates to the previous general order, such as updated clarifications and definitions of terms, consolidating electric and magnetic fields application requirements within existing application requirements, and changes to reporting required financial information to the commission from public utilities.

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