Midwest Grid Operator Prepared to Meet Summer Electricity Needs

The Midcontinent Independent System Operator Inc. anticipates summer power demand to peak at 125 gigawatts, with 152 gigawatts of available capacity to meet the need, according to an April 29 news release. The grid operator said that impacts to the outage schedule from COVID-19 have been minor and no reliability impacts are foreseen due to…...

Oregon Governor Orders Sweeping Climate Action Setting Sector-Specific Emissions Caps, Tougher Clean Fuel Targets

New York Proposes Regulations to Strengthen RGGI Emissions Cap

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation on April 29 proposed regulations to advance the state’s portion of the 30 percent emissions cap reduction from 2021 to 2030, under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, or RGGI, which established the nation’s first regional program to cap and reduce power sector emissions. Following the program update,…...