EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Natural Gas 2024 03 05 Blog preview 1

Gas Utility Planning Strategies Aim for Cost-Effective Solutions to Meet Emissions Reduction Goals

Multiple states in the U.S. have initiated long-term proceedings to examine the operations of natural gas utilities, aiming to incorporate the implications of electrification goals and…Read the full report  …...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Natural Gas 2024 03 05 Blog preview

Visual Primer: Gas Utility Planning Strategies Aim for Cost-Effective Solutions to Meet Emissions Reduction Goals

Multiple states in the U.S. have initiated long-term proceedings to examine the operations of natural gas utilities, aiming to incorporate the implications of electrification goals and emissions reduction requirements into the planning processes of distribution utilities.

generation retirement EIA

U.S. Electricity Generating Capacity Retirements Expected to Decrease by Over 60 Percent This Year: EIA

The U.S. is projected to retire 5.2 gigawatts (GW) of electricity generating capacity in 2024, according to a Feb. 20 report published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The expected retirement of power generating capacity this year is 62 percent lower than 2023 and is the lowest yearly decline since 2008. Coal and natural gas…...

U.S. EPA Keeps Power Plant Sulfur Dioxide Limits Unchanged, Citing Air Quality Improvements

U.S. EPA Announces $83 Million to Enhance Air Quality Monitoring Networks Nationwide

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Feb. 16 announced the availability of $81 million in funding opportunities to support eligible air agencies in expanding and upgrading the nation’s air quality monitoring networks. This investment, supported by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, or IRA, aims to address air pollution, enhance monitoring in and near communities, and…...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Climate Action 2024 02 20 Blog preview

Climate Action Takes Center Stage in the Biden Administration’s Policies

The Biden administration has made significant strides in climate change action, particularly through the enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), which represents the single largest investment in climate and energy in the U.S. Actions to further the administration’s climate agenda include…Read the full report  …...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Climate Action 2024 02 20 Blog preview

Visual Primer: Climate Action Takes Center Stage in the Biden Administration’s Policies

The Biden administration has made significant strides in climate change action, particularly through the enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), which represents the single largest investment in climate and energy in the U.S. Actions to further the administration’s climate agenda include proposals to limit emissions from power plants and vehicles, finalizing methane emission rules, and advancing environmental justice.

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Retail Electric Competition Blog preview

States Examine Retail Electricity Market Regulations to Ensure Fair Pricing and Consumer Safeguards

For years now, lawmakers and regulators across the U.S. have intensified their scrutiny of the competitive electricity market for residential consumers in order to address…Read the full report…...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Retail Electric Competition Blog preview

Visual Primer: States Examine Retail Electricity Market Regulations to Ensure Fair Pricing and Consumer Safeguards

For years now, lawmakers and regulators across the U.S. have intensified their scrutiny of the competitive electricity market for residential consumers in order to address deceptive sales tactics and complex contract terms that burden consumers with high costs.

crypto mining

Electricity Demand for U.S. Cryptocurrency Operations Continues to Increase: EIA

Electricity usage related to U.S. cryptocurrency mining operations in the U.S. has increased significantly over the last few years, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Early estimates from the agency report that yearly electricity consumption due to cryptocurrency mining represents from 0.6 percent to 2.3 percent of total U.S. electricity usage. The increase in…...

U.S. EPA Finalizes Repeal of 1995

Western Energy Imbalance Market Reports Over $5 Billion in Savings

The Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) operated by the California Independent System Operator Corp has so far generated over $5 billion in collective economic benefits for market participants since its inception in November 2014, according to the fourth quarter 2023 WEIM benefits report. As it stands, there are 22 market participants in the WEIM and…...