EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Demand Response 2023 05 09 Blog preview

Visual Primer: Demand Response Programs Evolve to Support Grid Modernization Efforts

Demand response (DR) is becoming an important tool in utility resource plans to manage demand on the power grid and integrate intermittent energy resources. DR programs allow consumers to play a role in the operation of the grid by reducing or shifting their electricity usage during peak periods in response to time-based rates or other forms of financial incentives.

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Resource Adequacy 2023 04 04 Blog preview

Visual Primer: Resource Adequacy Planning Evolves to Meet Changing Electricity System Requirements

The electricity system is in a state of transition amid the increase in fossil-fueled generation retirements and the penetration of intermittent renewable resources. Grid operators and regulators across the U.S. are exploring tools and strategies to adapt resource adequacy planning to the changing generation mix.