FERC Approves Kinder Morgan’s Gulf Coast Southbound Project Expansion

FERC Approves Kinder Morgan’s Gulf Coast Southbound Project Expansion

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Feb. 20 authorized Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America LLC to advance its Gulf Coast Southbound Project, which is designed to provide an additional 300,000 dekatherms per day of firm transportation service for Corpus Christi Liquefaction LLC’s liquefied natural gas facility in Texas. The project involves the construction operation,…

Renewable, Storage Targets, Creating $2.4 Billion Bond For Climate Adaptation

AEP Subsidiary Wins Oklahoma Approval to Add 675 Megawatts of Wind Generation

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission approved a settlement allowing Public Service Company of Oklahoma to recover costs to add 675 megawatts of wind power the state, according to a Feb. 20 news release. The move will not increase rates for customers, as cost savings resulting from the project will be passed on to them. Public Service will…