modern hydrogen energy storage system accompaind by large solar power plant wind turbine park sunny summer afteroon light with blue sky scattered clouds 3d rendering 533392 475

Biden Administration Announces $62 Million to Foster Clean Hydrogen Technology

The U.S. Energy Department on Aug. 30 announced approximately $62 million for 20 projects across 15 states to enhance clean hydrogen infrastructure performance while promoting safe and equitable deployment through better permitting and community engagement. These projects will enhance critical fundamentals of hydrogen fueling infrastructure, advance and establish hydrogen powered container handling apparatus for utilization…...


U.S. Energy Department Announces Deal to Deploy Nuclear Project in Ghana

The U.S. Energy Department on Aug. 29 announced a new commercial agreement between Nuclear Power Ghana (NPG) and Regnum Technology Group, a U.S. nuclear technology project developer, to deploy a NuScale VOYGR-12 small modular reactor plant in Ghana. The deal was signed at the second annual U.S.-Africa Nuclear Energy Summit held in Nairobi, Kenya. Regnum…...

New York Commission Issues Order Addressing Offshore Wind Energy Integration

Biden Administration Announces Inaugural Wind Lease Sale Offshore Oregon

The U.S. Interior Department on Aug. 29 announced that it will hold an offshore wind energy lease sale off southern Oregon. The auction, scheduled for Oct. 15, includes two areas that have the potential to generate over 3.1 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy and supply about one million homes. The announcement follows a series of…...

Group Shot School Bus

California Aims for 1,000 Zero-Emission School Buses With $500 Million Funding Program

The California Energy Commission has announced the launch of its Zero-Emissions School Bus and Infrastructure Program, or ZESBI, a $500 million funding program that is expected to put 1,000 zero-emission school buses on the road. The program will provide school districts with financial and technical assistance to purchase new electric school buses and related charging…...