winter weather forecast

Residential Heating Costs Expected to Be 10 Percent Higher This Winter: EIA

Residential energy costs for household heating with propane and natural gas for the current winter have increased compared to the previous winter, according to an Feb. 20 report published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The agency projects retail energy costs to be 10 percent higher than last winter. The agency in their Winter Fuels…...

California Regulator Clears 175 Megawatts of Energy Storage Contracts for Resource Adequacy, Distribution Deferral

FERC Launches Review of Data Center Co-Location Issues in PJM

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Feb. 20 issued an order initiating a review of challenges related to co-locating large loads, such as energy-intensive data centers, at generating facilities in the PJM region. Due to the high volume of proceedings regarding co-location in the region, the review will initially focus on PJM, the nation’s largest…...