New York Announces Additional $200 Million for Zero-Emission School Bus Program

New York Governor Kathy Hochul on Aug. 13 announced that school districts and operators of zero-emission school buses can avail an additional $200 million bus purchases, charging infrastructure, or planning fleet electrification. The additional funding is a part of the 2022 Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, and is allocated through the New York School Bus Incentive Program, or NYSBIP.

Overseen by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, the new funding comes from the second round of funding of the Bond Act. The first round of funding, issued in November 2023, provided $100 million to fund the acquisition of new buses and charging infrastructure costs. Since the program’s launch, over 75 school districts have submitted applications to purchase 350 buses, including 51 districts in disadvantaged communities. Nearly half of the state’s school districts are now coordinating with NYSERDA to craft fleet electrification Plans.

NYSBIP is a point-of-sale incentive program intended to accelerate the deployment of zero-emission school buses in the medium- and heavy-duty vehicle weight classes in the state. NYSERDA has released program rules to guide the allotment of $500 million for zero-emission school buses and infrastructure from the $4.2 billion Bond Act funding. The state requires all school bus purchases to be zero emissions by 2027, with the entire fleet transitioned to zero emissions by 2035.

Depending on the vehicle type, the funding can be availed to cover the full amount of the incremental cost of a new or repowered zero-emission bus, so as to make its cost comparable to that of a gas or diesel bus. The program also offers charging vouchers to cover the installation cost of Level 2 or DCFC fast chargers. Financial incentives are also available for taking a gas or diesel bus out of operation and adding buses with wheelchair accessibility, or vehicle-to-grid capability. School districts that complete fleet electrification plans qualify for higher amounts.

In addition to funding, NYSERDA also provides resources for technical guidance and support regarding school bus electrification. For example, the Electric School Bus Roadmap covers important challenges, cost barriers, and policy information about electrification.

The Electric School Bus Guidebook also equips bus operators and school district staff with useful information about zero-emissions buses. The guidebook covers fundamental topics such as purchasing electric school buses, planning storage and charging sites for electric buses, charging safety, and operations and maintenance of electric buses and charging devices.

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