INSIGHTSSERIES Power & Utilities | Smart Grid
December 2, 2024
U.S. Grid Operators Strengthen Winter Preparedness Amid Rising Demand and Resource Constraints
Tight supply risks during extreme winter events could lead to operational challenges, with potential energy shortfalls in some regions.

Heading into the winter season, grid operators and utilities across the U.S. continue to strengthen their winter readiness measures to ensure reliableRead the full report


Key Takeaways
- All regions are expected to have adequate generating resources to meet expected demand under normal winter conditions, but supply could tighten if operating conditions deviate significantly, according to FERC.
- Despite improvements in winter readiness efforts, many parts of North America remain at an elevated risk of energy shortfalls during extreme conditions due to natural gas supply challenges and demand growth outpacing that of dispatchable resources, according to NERC.
- NERC highlights ongoing concerns about natural gas production in cold weather for the Eastern and Western Interconnections, while weatherization standards have improved estimated weather-related forced outages in the ERCOT’s region.