FERC’s Five-Year Plan Emphasizes Measures to Improve Electricity Market Design, Infrastructure Siting Reviews

Oregon Commission Approves 2022 Utility Wildfire Safety Strategies

The Oregon Public Utility Commission on April 25 approved the 2022 Wildfire Mitigation Plans (WMPs) for PacifiCorp, Portland General Electric, and Idaho Power. The commission also recommended that the utilities collaborate with commission staff as a means of improving the information they include in their plan for 2023. The Idaho Power 2022 plan was approved…...

New England Grid Operator Announces Changes in Operations, Markets to Prepares for Winter Energy Shortages

Texas Adopts Critical Infrastructure Map to Aid Emergency Preparedness

The Texas Public Utilities Commission on April 29 announced the completion of the Electricity Supply Chain Map of critical infrastructure that can be used during emergency preparedness and response activities. The map will enable emergency management officials to pinpoint the location of critical facilities as well as their emergency contact information. The map identifies critical…...

Wisconsin Governor Releases Roadmap for Carbon-Free Electricity by 2050

Wisconsin Governor Releases Roadmap for Carbon-Free Electricity by 2050

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, a Democrat, unveiled a roadmap for transitioning the state to 100 percent carbon-free electricity by the middle of the century, including a potential clean energy standard. The Clean Energy Plan, which is in response to a 2019 executive order, highlights four major pathways to a carbon-free future:  accelerating clean energy technology…...

New Hampshire State Lawmakers Pass Bill for Five-Fold Increase in Net Metering Project Size

Florida Governor Vetoes Bill Aimed to Cut Solar Net Metering Compensation

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican, vetoed legislation on April 27 that would have phased down compensation for customer generators under the state’s net metering program and allowed utilities to impose new charges on those customers to recover their alleged underpayment of grid maintenance costs.  DeSantis said that the new charges, designed to recover lost…...

FERC Proposes Broad Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation Reforms

FERC Proposes Broad Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation Reforms

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on April 21 issued a proposed rule to improve regional transmission planning and cost allocation, addressing the need for increased resilience and reliability of energy infrastructure while achieving cost savings for consumers. Among the key provisions, the proposal would require each transmission provider to seek the agreement of relevant state…...

FERC’s Five-Year Plan Emphasizes Measures to Improve Electricity Market Design, Infrastructure Siting Reviews

New York Regulator Approves Contacts for Renewable Energy Transmission Projects

The New York State Public Service Commission on April 14 approved the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s contracts for two transmission projects: Clean Path New York LLC’s Clean Path NY and H.Q. Energy Services (U.S.) Inc.’s Champlain Hudson Power Express. The projects will deliver solar, wind, and hydroelectric power from upstate New…...

U.S. EPA Announces Initiatives to Advance Building Performance Policies

U.S. Energy Department Begins Implementing Infrastructure Law’s $225 Million Building Codes Initiative

The U.S. Energy Department on April 12 issued a request for information to gather feedback from stakeholders regarding the implementation of the $225 million funding provision for improved building codes under the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. States and building stock owners will benefit from this funding by upgrading building codes to ensure efficient…...