week of Aug. 27, 2018

Get ready for the last week of August with the EnerKnol Week Ahead. Coming up, the U.S. State Department's favorable assessment of TransCanada's controversial Keystone XL pipeline comes under scrutiny; California lawmakers are fast approaching the deadline to address utility funding and liability for the damages caused by last year's catastrophic wildfires; and the New England grid will unveil procurement targets for its thirteenth annual capacity auction. All this and more powered by the EnerKnol Platform. Give us your feedback at:

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California Legislature

Department of State





Federal Agencies

August 28
EIA Monthly Energy Report

The U.S. Energy Information Administration will issue its Monthly Energy Review, providing data on energy production, consumption, prices and trade. U.S. oil refineries are operating at historic levels and are projected to topple records this year and next on strong domestic and international demand, according to the agency. (Previous Report)

August 29
Department of State Keystone XL Review Deadline

The U.S. State Department is scheduled to take comments on its preliminary findings that TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL oil pipeline route in Nebraska will have moderate environmental impacts. After nearly a decade of delays prospects for the line were revived in January 2017 when President Donald Trump issued an executive order advancing the project. The 1,200-mile pipeline is designed to ship up to 830,000 barrels per day of crude oil from Canada’s tar sands region in Alberta to Nebraska, for ultimate delivery to Gulf Coast refineries.

Eastern Region

August 27
NYISO Cost of Carbon Meeting

A taskforce with the New York Independent System Operator Inc. will hold a hearing on a plan to incorporate the cost of carbon dioxide emissions from electric generators into the grid operator’s wholesale power market. A coalition of industrial and commercial energy consumers raised concerns about the proposal, saying that it could leave ratepayers on the hook for over-paying for the zero-carbon attributes of renewable generation because of overlap with other state policies promoting a shift away from fossil fuels. The state looks to cut the global warming pollutant 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, and seeks to phase out coal plants by 2020.

August 28
NYSERDA Clean Transportation Meeting

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Transportation and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority will hold a final hearing on advancing the state’s goal to transition the transportation sector away from fossil fuels. Under the Cuomo administration’s $250-million Evolve NY initiative, the state looks to expand the deployment of electric vehicle infrastructure, including the installation of 10,000 charging stations by 2021 under the Charge NY 2.0 program.

August 30
ISO NE Capacity Auction Supply Targets

ISO New England Inc. to set targets for the amount of power supply commitments it needs to procure for its thirteenth annual capacity auction covering the twelve-months beginning June 1, 2022. The price of capacity in the twelfth annual auction held in February cleared at a five-year low after the grid operator secured a surplus, with more than 34,800 megawatts of supplies. Generators also face a deadline to notify ISO New England if they intend to retire and not participate in the upcoming capacity sale.

August 31
ISO NE Exelon Retirement Waiver Deadline

ISO New England Inc. is scheduled to send federal regulators a short-term measure to prop up two natural gas-fired units at Exelon Corp.’s money-losing Mystic power plant in Boston. The grid operator found that the loss of the 1,700 megawatts of capacity and closure of the accompanying Distrigas liquefied natural gas terminal would lead to “unacceptable fuel security risks” as soon as 2022. FERC directed the ISO to file permanent revisions to address regional fuel security needs by July 2019. The New England Power Generators Association estimated that out-of-market support for the generator could displace up to about 1,300 megawatts of otherwise economic resources and suppress prices by up to $642 million in the grid’s next auction. (EL18-182)

Western Region

August 27
CAISO Power Plant Retirement Overhaul

The California Independent System Operator Corp. will discuss reforms to its reliability must-run and capacity procurement programs, seeking input on changes in the amount of compensation awarded and adjustments to notification periods. The operator relies on contracts under the programs to secure supplies from generators to ensure sufficient generation is available to meet system demand. The revisions come as flagging power prices drive up retirements and leave the system more vulnerable to supply shortages.

August 31
California Legislature End of Legislative Session

As California’s legislature is poised to adjourn, state lawmakers are scrambling to pass one of multiple measures that are being floated to help Pacific Gas & Electric raise funds to pay for the massive damages from the devastating wildfires last fall and avert the threat of bankruptcy. The utility may be on the hook for billions of dollars after a state agency found that the blazes were caused by its power lines. A more controversial bill that would limit state utilities’ liability for damage caused by fires has been shelved, according to news reports. (AB 33)