week of Sep. 2, 2019

Another Friday, another EnerKnol Week Ahead, the energy policy calendar powered by the EnerKnol Platform. Next week, New Jersey regulators examine a transition incentive as the state designs a successor to replace the Solar Renewable Energy Certificate program; Minnesota agencies seek input on the estimated cost of carbon that utilities consider when planning new projects; Indiana regulators discuss a seven-year plan proposed by Indianapolis Power & Light to modernize transmission and distribution infrastructure. The EnerKnol Pulse will be taking a break next week in observance of Labor Day. The EnerKnol Visual Primer will be published on Wednesday.

Featured Entities


Indiana IURC

Maryland PSC

Minnesota PUC

New Jersey BPU

New York PSC

Washington UTC

Federal Agencies

September 5
DOE Strategic Petroleum Reserve Sale

The U.S. Energy Department will award contracts for the sale of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, or SPR, to fulfill the requirements of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 and the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018. The 2015 law directs the agency to sell 5 million barrels of SPR crude in 2020, while the 2018 law requires the sale of 10 million barrels in the years 2020 and 2021. All proceeds will be deposited in the U.S. Treasury in FY 2020. READ MORE

Eastern Region

September 3
NY PSC Community Distributed Generation Deadline

The New York Public Service Commission is due to receive comments on whether utilities should enable consolidated billing for community distributed generation and other distributed resources. The billing method would allow a community project sponsor to inform the utility of the subscription charge, which would be added to the utility bill and remitted to the sponsor. 19-M-0463

September 4
NJ BPU Solar Incentive Program Transition Meeting

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities will discuss a proposed transition incentive program as part of its process to close the current Solar Renewable Energy Certificate, or SREC, program and design a successor mechanism. The proposal seeks to bridge the gap between the legacy and successor programs as the state phases out the SREC program following legislation enacted last May, which closes the program when 5.1 percent of electricity sold in the state comes from distributed solar. READ MORE

September 4

September 5
MD PSC Columbia Gas Rate Bump Hearing

The Maryland Public Service Commission will receive input on the request by Columbia Gas of Maryland Inc. to hike its gas service rates by $3.89 million. Columbia Gas, a subsidiary of NiSource Inc., serves 33,000 customers in Maryland. The company proposed the rate hike to recover costs associated with the replacement of aging pipeline infrastructure. 9609

September 5
NY PSC NYSEG Rate Hike Hearing

The New York Public Service Commission will discuss changes proposed by the New York State Electric & Gas Corporation to its electric and gas delivery rates and practices. The utility proposes to raise its annual electric delivery revenues by $174.5 million and annual gas delivery rates by $9.4 million. The changes would increase the average monthly residential electric and gas bills by 15 percent and 1.9 percent, respectively. 19-E-0378

Western Region

September 3
IN IURC Indianapolis Grid Modernization Hearing

The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission will hear from the public on the infrastructure improvements petition of Indianapolis Power & Light, a unit of AES Corporation. The company proposes seven years of defined investment totaling $1.2 billion to replace, rebuild, and modernize a wide range of transmission and distribution infrastructure. IPL provides retail electric service to approximately 500,000 customers in Indianapolis and surrounding communities. 45264

September 5
WA UTC Cascade Natural Gas Rate Bump Hearing

The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission will receive public input on Cascade Natural Gas Corp.’s request for a $12.7 million, or 5.56 percent, overall rate hike. The company’s last rate increase was in 2018. Cascade serves more than 200,000 residents and businesses in the state. UG-190210

September 5
MN PUC 335 MW Wind Farm Decision

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission will discuss a request for exemption of certain application requirements for Apex Clean Energy’s 335-megawatt Big Bend wind project and 75-megawatt Red Rock solar project. The facilities would be located within the same footprint and intend to share a 30-mile transmission tie-line necessary to interconnect to the grid. The $450 million wind farm is expected to include about 70 to 90 wind turbines spanning about 30,000 acres. CN-19-408

September 6
MN PUC Cost of Carbon Regulation Deadline

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Department of Commerce are scheduled to receive comments on the range of cost estimates for the future cost of carbon dioxide regulation on electricity generation. Last June, the Public Utilities Commission established a range of regulatory costs of $5 to $25 per short ton of emissions to be used in electric resource acquisition proceedings for planning year 2025 and beyond. DI-19-406