week of Feb. 19, 2018

Plan your upcoming week with EnerKnol Week Ahead, the calendar that brings you a handpicked list of energy policy events and deadlines, made possible by the EnerKnol platform.

Featured Entities


Colorado PUC

D.C. Circuit

Idaho PUC

Kentucky PSC

Maryland PSC

Michigan PSC

Minnesota PUC


Virginia SCC

Washington UTC

Federal Agencies

February 21
BOEM Offshore Oil, Gas Leasing Public Meetings

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will host information-gathering sessions about the National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing program. President Trump proposed opening offshore tracts to drilling in January in the latest bid by the administration to remove restrictions on oil and gas producers. (BOEM-2017-0074)

February 22
D.C. Circuit Oral Arguments, ANR Storage v. FERC

A federal appeals court will consider whether FERC reasonably denied TransCanada Corp. subsidiary ANR Storage Company’s request to charge market-based rates because ANR failed to address concerns about its ability to set prices above competitive levels. ANR provides 56 billion cubic feet of natural gas storage to ensure Midwestern supply. (16-1285)

Eastern Region

February 20
MD PSC Supplier Consolidated Billing Hearing

The Maryland Public Service Commission will review a request by retail suppliers to implement consolidated billing, which would provide them with the flexibility to directly bill customers for both retail generation supply charges and utility distribution charges. Suppliers filed a request with the commission in September 2017, consisting of NRG Energy Inc., Interstate Gas Supply Inc., Just Energy Group Inc., Direct Energy Services LLC, and ENGIE Resources LLC. (9461)

February 20
KY PSC Duke Kentucky Electric Rates Hearing

The Kentucky Public Service Commission will review Duke Energy Kentucky Inc.’s application for an adjustment to electric rates and an environmental compliance plan. The company is requesting an increase in revenues of $49 million, for an average rate increase across all customer groups of 15 percent. This would be Duke’s first rate increase in Northern Kentucky in 11 years. (2017-00321)

February 20
MI PSC Plug-in EV Conference

The Michigan Public Service Commission will discuss the deployment of plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure and vehicle charging pilot programs. The commission will also assess impacts of electric vehicles on infrastructure, utility rates and the electrical grid, providing the agency with input for developing policies to advance the deployment of the technology. (U-18368)

February 21
NYISO Energy Storage Integration Meeting

The New York Independent System Operator Inc.’s Market Issues Working Group will analyze the market design concept to integrate energy storage onto the grid. The operator aims to establish participation rules for energy storage in its energy, ancillary service and capacity markets. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued a proposal in his 2018 State of the State address to reach 1,500 megawatts of energy storage by 2025 with $200 million in investments.

February 22
VA SCC Kentucky Utilities Rate Hearing

The State Corporation Commission of Virginia will consider an electric base rate adjustment proposed by Kentucky Utilities’ subsidiary Old Dominion Power Company, which would represent a 10.4 percent increase in its total operating revenues. The proposed rate includes a change from $12 to $16 in the monthly customer charge. (PUR-2017-00106)

February 22
KY PSC Atmos NatGas Rate Public Meeting

The Kentucky Public Service Commission is taking public comments on a proposal by Atmos Energy Corp. to hike its annual base revenue by $10.4 million, amounting to a 5.7 percent boost for the average resident’s monthly natural gas bill. Atmos operates and maintains a distribution system in central and western Kentucky, which supplies 176,000 customers. (2017-00349)

Western Region

March 21
CO PUC Tax Cut Rate Investigation Deadline

The Public Utilities Commission of Colorado is requiring natural gas and electric utilities to submit plans to lower customer rates to reflect the recently enacted federal tax cuts that slashed corporate income rates to 21 percent, from 35 percent. Colorado is just one of dozens of states seeking to ensure that benefits of the historic tax reforms are passed down to customers.

March 21
ID PUC Idaho Power EIM Comment Deadline

The Idaho Public Utilities Commission is asking for input on a proposal by Idaho Power Company Inc. to create a method for recovering expenses related to joining the western Energy Imbalance Market. Idaho Power is set to join the market in April. The utility contends the move will cost nearly $14 million, but will lead to savings that will benefit customers in the long term. (IPC-E-17-16)

February 21
WA UTC Puget Integrated Resource Plan Meeting

The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission will review an integrated resource plan by Puget Energy Inc. subsidiary Puget Sound Energy that lays out its energy supply and demand outlook for the next 20 years. The plan accounts for a rise in solar power amid falling costs, calls for the use of energy storage and demand response to meet consumption in lieu of fossil generation, and seeks to redirect transmission lines to expand its market access. (Plan)

February 22
MN PUC Enbridge Line 3 Replacement Decision

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission will decide whether to reconsider its December 2017 order finding the environmental impact statement for Enbridge Inc.’s 337 mile oil pipeline replacement project was inadequate. The company plans to rebuild and partially reroute the Line 3 project, which stretches from North Dakota into Wisconsin, and has faced opposition from environmental groups. (15-137)