INSIGHTSSERIES Power & Utilities | Smart Grid
October 16, 2023
Growing Share of Intermittent Generation Prompts Closer Scrutiny of Potential Resource Adequacy Issues
Reforms to resource adequacy programs aim to facilitate the transition to a lower-carbon grid while meeting reliability requirements in a cost-effective manner.

Evolving electric system reliability needs that stem from the anticipated unprecedented growth in intermittent resources have prompted a closer scrutiny of resource adequacy (RA) issues. The increasing share of renewables to facilitate a lower-carbon grid, coupled with fossil generation retirements and increased demand for electrification, pose emerging challengesRead the full report

Key Takeaways
- PJM has proposed capacity market reforms to address resource adequacy needs and maintain reliability amid the transition to a lower-carbon grid and increasingly extreme weather.
- The California grid operator is discussing enhancements to its resource adequacy program while the New England system operator is updating accreditation standards to ensure resource reliability.
- Wisconsin regulators have launched a review of resource adequacy standards, and Oregon regulators have initiated a proceeding to craft resource adequacy rules for regulated utilities.