Minnesota Commission Accepts Electric Utilities Integrated Distribution Plans

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has accepted integrated distribution plans, or IDPs, filed by Xcel Energy, Minnesota Power, Dakota Electric Association and Otter Tail Power. The IDPs examine the utilities’ current and future distribution projects and expenditure for their systems. The acceptance of the plans ensures the utilities are planning for the reliability, safety, security and resiliency of the state’s power grid.

The commission requires the four utilities to increase transparency around reporting, including creating a streamlined process that facilitates the development of important data concerning load generation, distributed energy, reliability and budget.

This year, the commission included the transportation electrification plans, or TEPs, of Minnesota Power and Otter Tail Power in their distribution plan evaluations. Xcel’s TEP was reviewed in March. These TEPs enable the commission to better assess the effects of electric vehicles on the grid, utilities, and customers.

Each utility discussed its plan with the commission, highlighting their preparations and enhancements for the electrical grid, as well as the changes they plan to implement for their 2025 IDP. Among the key changes, Minnesota power plans to initiate a non-wires alternative project, enhancing the reliability for rural customers by adding a battery storage near Kerrick. Dakota Electric Association’s 2025 IDP will incorporate a plan showing the upcoming timing of grid modernization projects over the next five years. Xcel’s IDP details investments to develop the resiliency of the distribution system, which include substation transformers, breakers, and related gear along with distribution poles, and vegetation management. Otter Tail Power is planning a flow battery pilot project and its IDP details actions undertaken to enhance electrification of the transportation system, including the installation of direct current fast chargers and implementation of time of use rates.

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