We cover all State Legislatures, including:
- Texas House of Representatives (TX House of Representatives)
- California Senate (CA Senate)
- Alabama Senate (AL Senate)
- New York House of Representatives (NY House of Representatives)
- California House of Representatives (CA House of Representatives)
- New York Senate (NY Senate)
- Illinois House of Representatives (IL House of Representatives)
- Colorado Senate (CO Senate)
- Illinois Senate (IL Senate)
- Texas Senate (TX Senate)
- New Mexico House of Representatives (NM House of Representatives)
Our top Federal Agencies and Offices include:
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Environmental Protection Agency – Office of Air and Radiation (EPA OAR)
- Department of Energy (DOE)
- Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
Our top Court sources include:
- California Court of Appeals (CA COA)
- District Court, District of Columbia (DC DC)
- District Court, N.D. California (CA NDDC)
- Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (CA9)
- District Court, S.D. Florida (FL SDDC)
- Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit (CA5)
- Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (CA2)
- Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (CA4)
- District Court, S.D. New York (NY SDDC)
- District Court, D. Colorado (CO DDC)
Our top Environmental Offices sources include:
- New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NY DEC)
- California Air Resources Board (CARB)
- Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CO DPHE)
- New Mexico Environment Department (NM ED)
- Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TX CEQ)
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR)
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MN PCA)
- Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MT DEQ)
- North Dakota Department of Health (ND DOH)
EnerKnol covers 100% of Public Utility Commissions and Public Service Commissions.
- New York Public Service Commission (NY PSC)
- California Public Utilities Commission (CA PUC)
- Colorado Public Utilities Commission (CO PUC)
- Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MN PUC)
- Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (MA DPU)
- Maryland Public Service Commission (MD PSC)
- Nevada Public Utilities Commission (NV PUC)
- Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission (PA PUC)
- Arizona Corporation Commission (AZ CC)
- Mississippi Public Service Commission (MS PSC)
- Louisiana Public Service Commission (LA PSC)
EnerKnol covers the following ISO/RTO sources:
- Alberta Electric System Operator (AB AESO)
- California ISO (CAISO)
- Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
- ISO – New England (ISO-NE)
- Independent Electricity System Operator (ON IESO)
- Midcontinent ISO (MISO)
- New York ISO (NYISO)
- PJM Interconnection (PJM)
- Southwest Power Pool (SPP)
Other top sources include:
- U.S. Congress – House of Representatives (U.S. House)
- U.S. Congress – Senate (U.S. Senate)
- U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources (U.S. House CNR)
- Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS)
- Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC)
- Southwestern Power Administration (SWPA)
- Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
- Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission (APPAL)
- Pacific Northwest Electric Power and Conservation Planning Council (PACIFIC)
- Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)