Power & Utilities | Smart Grid
April 1, 2024
States Enhance Oversight of Utility Resource Planning
Recent legislative and regulatory initiatives reflect an evolving approach to long-term energy planning and utility resource procurement.
There is a growing focus on enhancing oversight, transparency, and stakeholder engagement in the integrated resource planning process for electric utilities across various states. The pursuit for a low-carbon future is driving the need for innovative policy initiatives to maximize…Read the full report
Key Takeaways
- Michigan regulators have initiated a proceeding to implement changes to the integrated resource planning parameters and filing requirements for utilities.
- Wyoming has enacted legislation requiring the state’s utility regulator to establish a process for the review of an action plan developed by a utility as part of an IRP.
- Iowa lawmakers are considering legislation that would require utilities to develop IRPs following a recent study on utility ratemaking, which recommends enacting a statute for rate-regulated electric utilities to file IRPs.