U.S. Energy Department Begins Environmental Review Process for Grid United’s Transmission Project Connecting Eastern and Western Grids

The U.S. Energy Department has announced a notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement for Grid United’s proposed North Plains Connector project connecting the nation’s eastern and western electric grids. The $3.2 billion project includes approximately 420 miles of an up to 525 kilovolt high voltage transmission line, which would run from Montana to North Dakota. Construction is expected to commence in 2028, with the line expected to be operational in 2032. Recently, the project secured $700 million, which will be used to increase power transfer capacity between the states, and also enable a more flexible bi-directional flow of electricity.
The purpose of the proposed transmission line is to enhance the capacity, reliability and efficiency between the Eastern and Western Interconnections of the electricity grid. Moreover, the construction of the line aims to increase wholesale energy market access for generation resources, provide services and technology to assist maintain operational flexibility of the electricity grid and provide a highly controllable electric transmission pathway that can efficiently shift electricity to fulfil real time system requirements, which include mitigating weather driven and system outage conditions. The new transmission line would provide a more resilient and flexible infrastructure, ensuring a stable supply of electricity to residential, commercial, and industrial consumers.
The proposed project would cross both public and private lands administered by numerous state, local and federal agencies and would require the relevant approvals from a number of agencies. The Grid Deployment Office (GDO) is the lead federal agency in charge of coordinating the various federal approvals and related environmental reviews required for this proposed project. The GDO and Montana Department of Environmental Quality are the Joint lead agencies for the project’s environmental impact statement in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. These agencies will ensure that the environmental impact statement fulfils the requirements of the various regulations and agencies. In May, Portland General Electric announced a memorandum of understanding with Grid United and ALLETE Inc. in the development of the project, which is expected to more than double the transfer capacity between the eastern and western U.S. grids. The parties will coordinate to finalize definitive agreements regarding Portland General Electric’s participation, which is expected to involve a 20 percent ownership share of the project.
The GDO will request other federal agencies to unite as cooperating agencies, and will provide these agencies with a written summary of expectations, which incorporate milestones, schedules, responsibilities, scope and details of agency expected contributions.
Comments and suggestions around the scope of the analysis, potential alternatives and impacts and identification of relevant information, studies and analyses are due by Dec. 9, 2024. The department has announced five scoping meetings, which will be held on Nov. 6, 7, 12, 13, and 19.
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