U.S. Energy Department Collaborates with Federal Agencies and Industry to Drive Energy and Emissions Innovation in Transportation

The U.S. Energy Department has announced three transportation modal action plans to build a cleaner, more robust and globally competitive transportation network. The action plans pertain to energy and emissions innovation in the maritime, rail, and medium and heavy-duty vehicle sectors. These plans cover the vital elements of the freight sector and convenient and efficient modes of transportation and were developed in collaboration with the U.S. Transportation Department, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and other key industry stakeholders. The agencies had previously released an aviation plan and released a forthcoming offroad plan. All action plans identify strategies to accelerate innovation, enhance cost effective options for consumers and deliver a more robust transportation for all U.S. citizens.
The maritime energy action plan aims to create a sustainable Maritime Grand Challenge and to collaborate with industry members to swiftly deploy affordable, competitive and scalable fuels and technologies. Moreover, the action plan outlines how the maritime sector can transition to low greenhouse gas emission fuels, including green ammonia and methanol for ocean going vessels. In addition, the plan looks into how the sector can adopt vessel electrification and hydrogen fuel cell technology.
The rail energy action plan aims to establish a U.S. Rail Partnership to develop affordable and robust solutions for the next generation of locomotive technologies and to demonstrate efficient technologies for routes and rail yard operations. Moreover, the action plan focuses on prioritizing locations with the largest public health impacts for deployment of zero-emission locomotives and equipment.
The medium and heavy-duty vehicle action plan aims to implement the global memorandum of understanding on zero emission medium and heavy-duty vehicles supporting industry’s transition to increase the use of zero emission vehicles. Moreover, the plan aims to enhance innovative methods to achieve cost parity between electric and hydrogen long-haul heavy-duty trucks and existing internal combustion engine long-haul trucks by 2030.
During 2023, the agencies released the U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization. The Blueprint outlines the pathway for innovative transportation fueling and vehicle technologies across every mode of transportation, expanding affordable and accessible transportation options. The Blueprint takes a systems approach to address overall efficiency and convenience across the sector and concentrates on accurate, cost-effective methods while collaborating closely with industry members.
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