U.S. Energy Department Unveils Tools to Simplify Energy-Saving Appliance Installations

The U.S. Energy Department on Oct. 30 released new resources to assist U.S. households and home energy efficiency contractors comprehend how to meet the requirements for funding in federal tax credits, made available by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, for home energy enhancements. The resources incorporate a Tax Credit Product Lookup Tool to assist determine if new equipment is eligible for tax credits, information that navigates contractors through key parts of home insulation product that can reduce utility bills and be eligible for tax credits, and a training and development component on how contractors can leverage a number of home energy efficiency incentives. This tool will allow more U.S. householders and contractors access so that they can qualify these tax credits so that they can reduce their utility bills.
The new resources will provide access to the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit, which has already helped households save more than $2 billion, equating to an average reduction of $880 per household. The credit is accessible till the end of 2032 and will allow households to receive up to $3,200 in tax credits yearly for various energy efficient home enhancements.
The U.S. Treasury Department has reported that more than 3.4 million U.S. consumers benefited from $8.4 billion in tax credits to reduce the costs of clean energy and energy efficiency enhancements to their households during 2023. As it stands, households usually go to contractors to upgrade insulation, wiring and appliances. Contractors having access to new tools that provide them with extensive knowledge and information about energy efficiency measures will benefit households significantly in terms of cost savings.
Other new resources include the home insulation explainer and new contractor training module. The home insulation explainer explains in detail vital components of home insulation and air sealing products that can reduce utility costs and be eligible for tax credits. The new contractor training module provides key knowledge and information on how contractors can leverage residential energy efficiency incentives.
The access to these new resources builds on the department’s existing tools to help U.S. households explore energy saving technologies for their households, including cold climate heat pump and heat pump water heater tools. Households can also access the ENERGY STAR website, which provides vital information on claiming and strategies for maximizing federal tax savings on home enhancements, clean energy equipment upgrades and energy efficient home heat pump technology.
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