week of Mar. 21, 2025

The EnerKnol Week Ahead is back to give you the key energy policy events happening next week, all powered by the EnerKnol Platform. Coming up, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission examines supply chain risk management reliability standards to ensure bulk power system security; Connecticut regulators discuss metrics and incentive mechanisms to implement a performance-based regulation framework for electric utilities; and New York explores utility thermal energy networks that offer alternatives to natural gas for space heating and cooling.

Featured Entities


California EC

Connecticut PURA


Georgia PSC

North Dakota PSC

New York PSC

Federal Agencies

March 24
BLM Carbon Sequestration Project

The Bureau of Land Management seeks public input on Blue Spruce Operating LLC’s proposal to construct and operate a carbon dioxide sequestration project in LaBarge in Sublette County, Wyoming. The proposed Dry Piney Helium and Carbon Sequestration Project is estimated to be capable of producing over 800 million cubic feet of bulk liquid helium per year from subsurface mineral estates. The project includes gas production pads and an acid-gas injection facility for carbon sequestration, as well as approximately 14 miles of pipeline construction on private, state, and public lands.

March 28
BLM Oil and Gas Leasing

The Bureau of Land Management seeks public input on 25 oil and gas parcels totaling about 39,868 acres that may be included in the September 2025 lease sale in Utah. The bureau seeks comments that identify relevant issues or provide new technical or scientific information. Comments expressing opinions or preferences will not be addressed in environmental documents but may still be considered in decision-making.

March 28
FERC Supply Chain Risk Management

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission seeks comments on a notice of proposed rulemaking to address risks to the reliability and security of the bulk power system posed by gaps in the Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards related to supply chain risk management. The rulemaking also proposed to direct the North American Electric Reliability Corporation to develop new or modified reliability standards to address those gaps. At a recent workshop, panelists discussed a proposed directive in the rulemaking to require that entities establish steps in supply chain risk management plans to verify vendor information during the procurement process to better inform the identification and assessment of risks associated with vendors’ software, hardware, or services. RM24-4-000

Eastern Region

March 25
NY PSC Utility Thermal Energy Network

The New York Department of Public Service will hold a technical conference to explore utility thermal energy network, or UTEN, systems in the state. Last July, the Public Service Commission issued an order adopting initial rules for UTEN systems pursuant to the 2022 Utility Thermal Energy Network and Jobs Act. The law allows for the creation of utility-scale thermal energy plants that would connect several buildings in a shared network. Such networks offer clean energy alternatives to natural gas, allowing utilities to offer customers a renewable energy source to meet their energy needs for heating and cooling. The order requires the Department of Public Service staff to convene at least one technical conference to explore existing thermal energy network systems including, how they currently operate and effectively serve their customer bases, in order to improve the knowledge of commission staff, utilities, and interested stakeholders, and to inform potential future regulations. 22-M-0429

March 25

March 28
GA PSC Georgia Power 2025 IRP

The Georgia Public Service Commission will conduct hearings on Georgia Power’s 2025 integrated resource plan, or IRP, a 20-year outlook of the company’s energy production amounts and methods. The IRP contains an updated load forecast that addresses recent economic development trends since the 2023 IRP update, as well as information for the company’s growing pipeline of potential and committed large load customers. Over the next six years, Georgia Power projects approximately 8,200 megawatts of electricity load growth, an increase of more than 2,200 megawatts in peak demand by the end of 2030 compared to projections in the 2023 IRP update.

March 27
CT PURA Performance-Based Regulation

The Connecticut Public Utility Regulatory Authority seeks comments on a revised proposal that provides recommendations for reported metrics, scorecards, and performance incentive mechanisms to establish a performance-based regulation, or PBR, framework for electric utilities. The authority seeks feedback on nine priority outcomes which include distribution system utilization, comprehensive and transparent system planning, and reliable and resilient electric service. In April 2023, the agency issued a final decision in the first phase of its investigation into PBR, establishing the regulatory goals, foundational considerations, and priority outcomes to guide its development and adoption of a PBR framework, as well as informing specific regulatory reforms to be developed through the second phase. Subsequently, the authority opened a docket to investigate potential modifications and additions to performance mechanisms, and issued an initial straw proposal in March 2024.

March 28
NY PSC Load Management Incentive Program

The New York Public Service Commission seeks comments on the 2025 review of its Load Management Technology Incentive Program, or LMTIP, established last August as part of a proceeding to establish alternatives to traditional demand-based rate structures for commercial electric vehicle charging. Investor-owned utilities are required to commence a review at the earlier of when the first utility expends 70 percent of the program’s budget or as part of the next statewide review of the Make-Ready Program that provides incentives to install charging infrastructure. The review should evaluate outcomes of the utilities’ implementations to date, and whether LMTIP programs should be reauthorized. The program is currently funded through the redeployment of previously collected revenues for the Direct Current Fast Charger Per-Plug Incentive program. 22-E-0236

Western Region

March 24
ND PSC 300 MW Flickertail Solar Project

The North Dakota Public Service Commission will hold a public hearing on Flickertail Solar Project LLC’s application for a siting permit to build a solar energy conversion facility in Richland County. The Savion LLC subsidiary proposes to build a 300-megawatt solar energy facility on approximately 3,464 acres north of Galchutt, North Dakota. The project is estimated to cost $375 million.

March 26
CA EC Darden Clean Energy Project

The California Energy Commission will hold a public meeting to discuss an assessment of IP Darden I LLC and Affiliates’ proposed Darden Clean Energy Project in Fresno County. The assessment includes a draft environmental impact report of the project. The applicant proposes to construct a 1,150-megawatt solar photovoltaic facility and an up to 4,600-megawatt-hour battery energy storage system. The project, spannning about 9,500 acres, would be located in an agricultural area of unincorporated Fresno County south of the community of Cantua Creek. The solar PV facility would be located on about 9,100 acres of land currently owned by Westlands Water District that would be purchased by IP Darden. The project would interconnect to Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Los Banos-Midway #2 500 kV transmission line. 23-OPT-02