Wisconsin Launches Home Energy Rebates Program Supported by Inflation Reduction Act

The U.S. Energy Department on Aug. 2 announced that Wisconsin has unveiled its initial Home Energy Rebates program, supported by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act.

Wisconsin is the first state in the U.S. to inaugurate the Home Efficiency (HOMES) segment of the rebate program. The program particularly empowers lower income families to save on energy efficiency enhancements, such as air sealing, heat pumps and insulation which lower household energy usage. Earlier in the year, New York became the first state in the U.S. to initiate their Home Energy Rebates Program.

The program’s inauguration is part of the U.S. government’s wider initiative to provide $8.8 billion in Federal money for states to reduce energy expenditures and increase energy efficiency across the U.S., by making it financially viable to install energy reducing equipment such as electricity panels, heat pumps and insulation. If implemented, these energy reducing initiatives will save U.S. households around $1 billion yearly and assist in maintaining approximately 50,000 jobs across a number of sectors.

The Home Energy Rebate programs could save households in the state up to $14,000 for energy efficient home enhancements and enable significant amounts of savings on monthly energy bills. Moreover, the program ensures easy access due to streamlined processes. The U.S. Energy Department also released a Consumer Bill of Rights framework to assist in keeping individuals up-to-date and equipped with the latest resources.

The HOMES program is one of two programs making up the Federal Home Energy Rebate programs. The other program being the Home Electrification and Appliances Rebates (HEAR). The aim of this program is to assist low income households go electric through qualified appliance rebates. Home energy assessments are required by a licensed energy auditor to determine the house’s upgrade requirement needs and establish the potential energy savings each upgrade could offer. Wisconsin expects to unveil its HEAR program this year.

The U.S. Energy Department has also granted $1.2 billion to ten states to implement Home Energy Rebate programs.

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