Maryland Enacts Law Allowing Participation in Regional Program to Cut Transportation Emissions

U.S. EPA Solicits Input on Phase 3 Emission Limits for Heavy-Duty Engines, Vehicles

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is considering revisions to greenhouse gas emission limits for heavy-duty vehicles, according to an Aug. 15 press release. The proposal marks the third phase of a comprehensive plan designed to reduce emissions from the transportation sector. The agency invites small businesses to take part as small entity representatives on an…...

Appalachian Power Requests $65 Million Rate Hike for Electric Service in Virginia

Washington Announces Partial Agreement on Puget Sound Energy’s Renewable Energy Program

The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission on Aug. 15 announced a partial multi-party settlement in Puget Sound Energy’s existing rate increase request, explicitly addressing the company’s Green Direct Program. The agreement is subject to authorization by the three member commission. The program permits commercial and governmental clients to willingly purchase 100 percent of their energy…...