EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Electric Vehicles 2023 04 18 Blog preview

Visual Primer: Biden Administration Advances New Actions to Progress Towards a Zero-Emission Vehicle Future

The market for electric vehicles (EV) continues to evolve as do efforts to address future charging needs. Recent actions range from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposals for tougher vehicle emissions standards to new national standards for federally-funded EV chargers, and the first round of funding under a $2.5 billion program to support charging and alternative fueling infrastructure.

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NARUC’s Surge Call: DER Compensation in a Post-Net Metering World Webinar, April 24, 2023

The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Presents DER Compensation in a Post-Net Metering World Webinar Many states are currently considering or have already implemented next-generation Distributed Energy Resource (DER) programs following the phase-out of Net Energy Metering (NEM). These programs seek to ensure that customers with DERs receive fair compensation for their excess…...