EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Grid Modernization 2023 11 14 Blog preview

Demands of Evolving Power Sector Call for Strategic Grid Planning

Strategic actions to optimize the distribution grid are imperative to meet the demands of the evolving power sector. Changing policies, climate action, and customer preferences have led to…Read the full report  …...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Grid Modernization 2023 11 14 Blog preview

Visual Primer: Demands of Evolving Power Sector Call for Strategic Grid Planning

Strategic actions to optimize the distribution grid are imperative to meet the demands of the evolving power sector. Changing policies, climate action, and customer preferences have led to the growth in distributed energy resources and demand-side opportunities, prompting regulators and utilities to explore robust grid planning approaches that accommodate the growth and meet increased demand from electrification.