EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Community Solar 2024 06 11 Blog preview

New Policies and Programs Drive Nationwide Expansion of Community Solar

New and expanded federal tax credits, along with funding for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Solar for All residential program, have set the stage for further growth in the community solar industry. Several states have taken action to…Read the full report  …...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Community Solar 2024 06 11 Blog preview

Visual Primer: New Policies and Programs Drive Nationwide Expansion of Community Solar

New and expanded federal tax credits, along with funding for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Solar for All residential program, have set the stage for further growth in the community solar industry. Several states have taken action to establish or expand community solar programs. Also known as shared solar, community solar allows multiple energy customers to participate in projects that are remotely located and receive credits to lower their electricity bill.

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Join The 2024 NARUC Innovation Webinar

Join NARUC’s “Innovation Webinar: Hydropower: Regulatory Strategies to Enhance Hydro’s Contribution to Resilience and Reliability” to learn how regulators and state energy officials are finding ways to ensure that hydro can continue providing value to the evolving electric system. For more information, visit the NARUC website  About the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)…...

ComEd Unveils $1.7 Billion Energy Efficiency Plan for Illinois Customers

Biden Administration Announces $45 Million to Fund Loans for Energy Efficiency Programs

The U.S. Energy Department on June 6 announced $45 million from the Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Grant, or RLF, program to five states and the District of Columbia. The program, supported by the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, offers funds that allow states and territories to make available loans and subsidies to…...