Oil Gas Methane

BLM New Mexico Leases Seven Parcels for Over $20 Million in Quarterly Oil and Gas Auction

The Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico State Office leased seven parcels totaling 1,317 acres for $20.67 million in its quarterly oil and gas sale, according to a Feb. 21 press release. The auction proceeds will be shared between the federal government and New Mexico. BLM New Mexico conducts oil and gas lease sales quarterly…...

renewable energy wind energy with windmills

Xcel Energy’s Upper Midwest Plan Seeks to Add 4.3 Gigawatts of Renewables, Phase Out Coal by 2030

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission on Feb. 21 approved Xcel Energy’s Upper Midwest Integrated Resource Plan, which outlines the utility’s energy resource portfolio for 2024-2040 to improve reliability, energy efficiency, and affordability. The plan includes measures to protect consumers against excessive prices, protect grid systems against extreme weather, integrate more renewable energy resources, and reduce…...

gasoline and diesel

State Tax Rates for Retail Gasoline and Diesel Largely Unchanged Since July 2024: EIA

State taxes and fees on gasoline and diesel fuel as of the start of 2025 have averaged $0.33 per gallon (gal) of gasoline and $0.35/gal of diesel fuel, according to a Feb. 21 report published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Average taxes on diesel and gasoline have remained largely flat, rising by less than…...

solar panels wind turbines with clouds sky renewable energy

California Commission Approves Electric Resource Portfolios to Improve Reliability, Integrate More Renewable Energy

The California Public Utilities Commission on Feb. 20 approved electric resource portfolios to support transmission grid planning and help the state achieve its clean energy targets. The portfolios provide key information for the California Independent System Operator to optimize its 2025-2026 transmission planning to work toward climate goals while ensuring the reliability and affordability of…...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Retail Electric Competition 2025 02 25 Blog preview

State Regulators Advance Key Reforms in Retail Electric Markets

State utility regulators are ramping up oversight of retail electric markets, with recent actions ranging from Massachusetts resuming its review of customer protections to…Read the full report…...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Retail Electric Competition 2025 02 25 Blog preview

Visual Primer: State Regulators Advance Key Reforms in Retail Electric Markets

State utility regulators are ramping up oversight of retail electric markets, with recent actions ranging from Massachusetts resuming its review of customer protections to Maryland implementing reforms to market rules.