The California Public Utilities Commission proposed to develop a solar information packet to help utility customers planning to install solar on single-family homes and take service under a net metering successor tariff, according to the agency’s Aug. 29 proposed decision. Investor-owned utilities would have to configure their interconnection portals to ensure that only solar providers with a valid license can install systems that interconnect with the utilities’ distribution systems. To verify that customers have received the information packet and disclosure documents before making an agreement, utilities must require solar providers to upload signed copies of the relevant documents to get interconnection approval. Utilities would forward the contracts to the Energy Division, which would examine whether they are reasonable. The commission seeks to address exploitative marketing practices, such as deceptive information regarding costs and benefits, including bill savings and treatment of renewable energy credits. The product is expected to be launched in the second quarter of 2019. Utilities would have 90 days from the date of the decision to propose a uniform method to assess solar complaints.