EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Distributed Solar

Visual Primer: Evolving Distributed Solar Landscape Prompts Policy Changes

Several states are reshaping their distributed generation policies and programs amid the proliferation of distributed solar and other solutions prompted by changing customer needs and clean energy goals. Recent actions range from California’s proposed net metering successor, which has triggered cost-shift debates in the nation’s largest solar market, to New York’s roadmap to achieve 10 gigawatts (GW) of distributed solar by 2030.

New York Commission Issues Order Addressing Offshore Wind Energy Integration

New York Commission Issues Order Addressing Offshore Wind Energy Integration

The New York State Public Service Commission on Jan. 20 issued an order on recommendations related to offshore wind energy integration identified in the Power Grid Study released in January 2021. The order requires revisions to upcoming offshore wind procurements and establishes a technology working group to test and implement innovative transmission technologies. Further, the…...

Illinois Commission Launches Investigation into Value of Distributed Generation

National Grid to Advance Solar Program for 160,000 Low-Income Customers in New York

The New York State Public Service Commission on Jan. 20 sanctioned the first stage of an expanded solar-for-all program, or E-SFA, which will benefit National Grid’s low-income electric customers. Customers already registered in the utility’s energy affordability program will be automatically enrolled in the new program, resulting in electricity bill savings of $5 per month…....

U.S. Energy Department Awards $28 Million to Enhance Energy Infrastructure Cybersecurity

FERC Proposes to Strengthen Reliability Standards for Electric Grid Cyber Systems

The Federal Energy Regulation Commission (FERC) on Jan. 20 proposed to reinforce its Critical Infrastructure Protection reliability standards by demanding internal network security monitoring, or INSM, for high- and medium-impact bulk electric system cyber systems. Inclusion of INSM requirements in the reliability standards would complement current perimeter requirements for high- and medium-impact systems by enhancing…...

U.S. Energy Department Publishes Guidebook to Encourage Solar Energy Deployment

U.S. Energy Department Publishes Guidebook to Encourage Solar Energy Deployment

The U.S. Department of Energy on Jan. 19 published the third edition of “Solar Power in Your Community,” a guidebook to assist local governments gain ecological and economic advantage of expanded solar energy infrastructure. This guidebook includes about forty case studies showcasing field-tested methods to overcome the solar marketplace barriers and discusses new technologies and…...

New York to reach its Energy Storage Targe

Connecticut Launches Energy Storage Program to Support Resilience, Benefit Ratepayers

Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority on Jan. 18 inaugurated Energy Storage Solutions, an electric storage program for all categories of customers of Eversource and United Illuminating to adopt a consistent and robust electric distribution system. The Energy Storage Solutions enables customers to install energy storage set up as backup at their premises. The program will…...

ERCOT’s Final Winterization Report Confident That Texas Grid Is Prepared for Winter Weather

ERCOT’s Final Winterization Report Confident That Texas Grid Is Prepared for Winter Weather

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) on Jan. 18 filed its final winter weatherization report, with the Public Utility Commission. The report indicates that 321 out of 324 electric generation units and transmission facilities completely passed inspection for new winterization regulations from the Commission. ERCOT, the grid operator, which manages about 90 percent of…...

President Biden Commits U.S. to Achieve 50 Percent Emissions Reductions in 2030

North Carolina Governor Strengthens Emissions Reduction Goals

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper on Jan. 7 issued an executive order reinforcing the state’s commitment to clean energy and outlining next steps in the state’s plan to achieve net zero emissions. The order increases the state-wide goal to a 50 percent reduction in emissions from 2005 levels by 2030 and achieve net zero emission…...

New York Commission Issues Order Addressing Offshore Wind Energy Integration

U.S. Interior Issues Draft Review of Wind Area With 1.6 Gigawatts Potential Offshore California

The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management on Jan. 11 announced the release of its draft environmental assessment on the possible environmental and socioeconomic effects of commercial leases as well as related site assessment activities in the offshore Humboldt Wind Energy Area of California. The Humboldt WEA covers an area of about 206 square miles…...

Virginia Regulator Approves $650 Million Grid Transformation Plan for Dominion Energy

Virginia Regulator Approves $650 Million Grid Transformation Plan for Dominion Energy

The Virginia State Corporations Commission on Jan. 7 approved the second phase of the Grid Transformation Plan proposed by Dominion Energy Inc. for the years 2022 and 2023. The approved phase II is focused on a set of projects aimed at accommodating the growing participation of distributed energy resources promoted by recent policy developments. Virginia’s Clean…...