Appalachian Power Requests $65 Million Rate Hike for Electric Service in Virginia

Maryland Commission Approves Nearly $45 Million Rate Increase for Potomac Electric

The Maryland Public Service Commission has approved a rate increase of $44.6 million for Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco), which translates to an estimated electric bill increase of $5.72 per month for the average residential customer. The commission approved a significantly lower amount than the company’s initial request and authorized rate changes for only one…...

cape of good hope

Oil Flow Around Cape of Good Hope Rises Nearly 50 Percent Amid Red Sea Disruptions: EIA

Tensions in the Middle East have led to trade disruptions through the Red Sea and increased crude oil and oil product flows around the Cape of Good Hope, which is located at the southern tip of Africa, according to a June 11 report published by the U.S. Energy Information. The quantity of crude oil and…...

New York City’s First Offshore Wind Port Begins Construction

Construction began on June 10 to transform the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal (SBMT) in New York City into what would be the nation’s largest offshore wind port, according to a press release from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). The facility will serve as the operations and maintenance hub for Empire…...

extreme summer conditions

Some U.S. Regions at Risk of Power Shortages in Extreme Summer Conditions: NERC

Electricity supply shortage could occur if demand during peak periods is higher than projected or if electricity supply produced is lower than anticipated, according to the North American Electric Reliability Corporations (NERC) 2024 Summer Reliability Assessment. The U.S. Energy Information Administration issued an analysis on June 10, highlighting the findings of the assessment. The continental…...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Community Solar 2024 06 11 Blog preview

New Policies and Programs Drive Nationwide Expansion of Community Solar

New and expanded federal tax credits, along with funding for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Solar for All residential program, have set the stage for further growth in the community solar industry. Several states have taken action to…Read the full report  …...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Community Solar 2024 06 11 Blog preview

Visual Primer: New Policies and Programs Drive Nationwide Expansion of Community Solar

New and expanded federal tax credits, along with funding for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Solar for All residential program, have set the stage for further growth in the community solar industry. Several states have taken action to establish or expand community solar programs. Also known as shared solar, community solar allows multiple energy customers to participate in projects that are remotely located and receive credits to lower their electricity bill.

ComEd Unveils $1.7 Billion Energy Efficiency Plan for Illinois Customers

Biden Administration Announces $45 Million to Fund Loans for Energy Efficiency Programs

The U.S. Energy Department on June 6 announced $45 million from the Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Grant, or RLF, program to five states and the District of Columbia. The program, supported by the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, offers funds that allow states and territories to make available loans and subsidies to…...

hydrogen production

U.S. to Expand Hydrogen Production Using Electrolyzers: EIA

Developers plan to expand U.S. hydrogen production employing technologies that make use of electricity, according to a June 6 report published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The use of planned electrolyzer installations would shift hydrogen production away from its traditional reliance on hydrocarbon feedstocks towards the usage of electricity to produce hydrogen from water…....

natural gas prices

U.S. Natural Gas Prices Less Volatile During 2023 Compared to 2022: EIA

The average price of U.S. natural gas declined during 2023 compared to 2022 and became less volatile, according to a June 4 report published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Price volatility increased during 2022, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the cessation of Russian pipelined gas to Europe. The Russian invasion of Ukraine,…...

power solar panel little mountainous village mist are beauty view point alternative clean green energy concept

California Enhances Community Solar Programs to Reach More Customers

The California Public Utilities Commission has expanded and enhanced the state’s current community solar programs and introduced a new community renewable energy initiative, enabling access to  a wider range of consumers. These changes will allow California to take advantage of state and federal funding including the $7 billion Solar for All program funded by the…...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Electric Vehicles 2024 06 04 Blog preview

States and Utilities Harness Vehicle-to-Grid Technology for Energy System Flexibility

Even as transportation electrification expands to medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, states across the U.S. are examining policies to harness the benefits of vehicle-to-grid functionality. The ability of electric vehicles (EVs) to inject…Read the full report  …...