Electric Vehicles

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Electric Vehicles 2023 04 18 Blog preview

Visual Primer: Biden Administration Advances New Actions to Progress Towards a Zero-Emission Vehicle Future

The market for electric vehicles (EV) continues to evolve as do efforts to address future charging needs. Recent actions range from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposals for tougher vehicle emissions standards to new national standards for federally-funded EV chargers, and the first round of funding under a $2.5 billion program to support charging and alternative fueling infrastructure.

Visual Primer: Transportation Electrification Gaining Importance in March Towards Low-Carbon Economy

Visual Primer: Transportation Electrification Gaining Importance in March Towards Low-Carbon Economy

Across the U.S., state and federal agencies are accelerating efforts to bolster electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, expand consumer incentives, or electrify fleets, reflecting the growing importance of transportation electrification to achieve clean energy goals. States are also tasked with deploying billions in new federal funds for charging stations under the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

Visual Primer: EV Infrastructure Proliferates as States Electrify Transportation to Meet Decarbonization Goals

Visual Primer: EV Infrastructure Proliferates as States Electrify Transportation to Meet Decarbonization Goals

Measures to expand electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure are moving expeditiously driven by state zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) goals and decarbonization mandates. Among recent actions, Washington has adopted legislation requiring a mapping tool to plan charging infrastructure investments, while New Jersey is exploring an EV charging ecosystem for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. A handful of states have adopted measures to exempt charging station operators from regulatory oversight.

EnerKnol Research AE Visual Primer Vehicle to Grid 2020 11 24 Blog preview

Visual Primer: California, Minnesota, and New York Push Forward With Vehicle-to-Grid Integration

With the growing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), the need for flexible storage resources in the electric grid has drawn increased attention to how well the vehicles can integrate into the grid as temporary batteries. While California is making strides in furthering the utilization of EVs as a grid resource, a handful of states are contemplating the technology in connection with electrification of fleets, and medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.

Electric Vehicle Charging Programs

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Electric Vehicle Charging Programs on Rise as States Address Barriers to Transportation Electrification

States and utilities across the U.S. are expanding electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure to overcome barriers to transportation electrification. The demand for fast charging in states with zero-emission vehicle goals, such as California, New York, and New Jersey, have heightened the need for reliable access to a wider network of stations.

States Pursue Vehicle Emission Standards Despite Federal Rollback

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – States Pursue Vehicle Emission Standards Despite Federal Rollback

Policy support for electric vehicles (EVs) continues to grow across U.S. states as transportation electrification is a primary component of regulators’ strategies to meet clean energy and emissions reduction targets. Recent initiatives range from California’s electric truck mandate to Nevada’s vehicle emission standards to New Jersey’s EV ecosystem proposal.

Electric Transportation Faces Uncertain Future Amid Federal Policy Changes, COVID-19 Crisis

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Electric Transportation Faces Uncertain Future Amid Federal Policy Changes, COVID-19 Crisis

In just the last three months, almost a dozen states have advanced measures to ramp up support for electric vehicles (EVs), reflecting the important role of transportation electrification in achieving clean energy goals. However, transportation electrification, similar to other clean energy sectors, faces uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the rollback of federal fuel economy standards.

Blog Preview 2019 12 11

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – State Roadmaps Pave the Way Towards Electric Vehicle Future

States are setting ambitious targets to grow the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the road. More than half a dozen states, including Connecticut, North Carolina, Vermont, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee, have unveiled blueprints this year to reach the goals. EV roadmaps and action plans are helping states explore the role of utilities, regulators, and market participants in the evolving industry and develop the necessary regulatory guidance.

Blog Preview 2019 10 30

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – U.S. States Push for Innovative Electric Vehicle Programs to Reach New Market Segments

More than a dozen states have enacted measures or advanced programs over the last six months to boost electric vehicle (EV) usage and attract private investment in charging infrastructure. Growing concern about emissions and climate change is drawing increased attention to the transportation sector, the nation’s biggest polluter.

Blog preview 2019 07 30

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Investments in Electric Vehicles Pile Up as Fossil-Fuel Phase Outs Loom

The transportation sector’s overwhelming reliance on higher-emitting fossil fuels combined with a federal retreat on climate change policy and fuel economy standards has made the widespread deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) one of the top priorities for states looking to achieve increasingly stringent emission cuts. Electric utilities, playing a central role in the shift away from gasoline-powered cars, are now rolling out of hundreds of millions of dollars in infrastructure investments and a grab bag of consumer incentives.

Rapid EV Growth Prompts Focus on Rate Design for Charging Services

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Rapid EV Growth Prompts Focus on Rate Design for Charging Services

The continued growth in electric vehicle (EV) adoption has led state regulators to pay more attention to business models and rate designs that facilitate wider availability of charging infrastructure. Most recently, Pennsylvania took a big step towards innovative and dynamic pricing by clarifying that third party EV charging is not considered resale or redistribution of power. California is considering a utility proposal to replace demand charges with new subscription pricing, allowing customers to select the required amount of power for their stations. New York is analyzing the characteristics of charging systems to foster EV participation as a distributed resource. Iowa is examining business models for EV charging, while Illinois is exploring rate structures and charging practices to guide efficient integration of electric vehicles.