Alternative energy

EnerKnol Distributed Energy Resources Tracking Table

EnerKnol Distributed Energy Resources Tracking Table Q4 2019 Sample

The prolific growth in distributed energy resources is forcing states to re-examine their policies. State efforts range from modernizing interconnection standards and enhancing distribution system planning, to rewriting solar net metering rules. Keep on top of the latest changes in solar energy policy by accessing EnerKnol’s Quarterly Tracking Table. The Table provides a comprehensive, up-to-date…...

Blog Preview 2020 01 15

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – States Seek Closer Scrutiny of Net Metering as Utilities Push for Reforms

The debate over net metering for rooftop solar power continues across U.S. states as utilities seek rate structures that reduce the compensation for power exported to the grid or add charges to avoid shifting grid maintenance costs to non-solar customers. More than 20 states are reexamining the policy to more precisely assess the value of distributed generation. Some have changed their rules, while others have initiated studies, and a few have opted to continue with net metering. Critical findings across state commissions will influence the outcomes in other states.

Blog preview 2019 12 18

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Utilities Expand Green Pricing Options to Meet Growing Customer Demand

Utilities are optimizing green power programs to meet carbon reduction targets and satisfy their customers simultaneously. Green pricing options allow customers to meet a portion of their electricity needs from renewable energy resources. While offering innovative products to increase customer access to green power, these programs provide larger consumers the option to meet their varying sustainability and renewable energy goals.

Blog Preview 2019 12 11

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – State Roadmaps Pave the Way Towards Electric Vehicle Future

States are setting ambitious targets to grow the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the road. More than half a dozen states, including Connecticut, North Carolina, Vermont, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee, have unveiled blueprints this year to reach the goals. EV roadmaps and action plans are helping states explore the role of utilities, regulators, and market participants in the evolving industry and develop the necessary regulatory guidance.

Blog preview 2019 11 20

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Community Choice Aggregation Expands in U.S. Amid Renewable Energy Push

Community choice aggregation has existed for over two decades, but it has gained popularity in recent years, driven by competitive rates, consumer interest in controlling their electricity source, and the desire for renewable energy options. The procurement model allows local governments to buy power on behalf of their communities, tailoring their purchases to meet customer preferences.

Blog preview 2019 11 13

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – U.S. Offshore Wind Industry Gathers Steam as Northeast’s Climate Goals Ramp Up

In the latest sign of the health and growth of the nation's nascent offshore wind industry, state commitments to procure supplies of the energy source rose to nearly 20 gigawatts this year, quadruple the amount of capacity from just two years ago. The burgeoning industry remains upbeat even as federal permitting delays to the nation’s first large-scale project raised concerns of regulatory roadblocks.

Blog Preview 2019 10 30

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – U.S. States Push for Innovative Electric Vehicle Programs to Reach New Market Segments

More than a dozen states have enacted measures or advanced programs over the last six months to boost electric vehicle (EV) usage and attract private investment in charging infrastructure. Growing concern about emissions and climate change is drawing increased attention to the transportation sector, the nation’s biggest polluter.

Blog preview 2019 08 27

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – States Split Over Payouts for Residential Solar as Renewables Take Off

Since distributed-level solar generation just started to proliferate across the U.S. a decade ago, as many as 21 states are now reexamining or revamping policies for compensating the power source, upsetting the status quo and deepening a divide among states for and against the incentives.

Blog preview 2019 08 06

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Offshore Wind Farms Spin Up as States Double Commitments

Competition among U.S. states eager to take the lead in the nation's still nascent offshore wind sector is fueling growth and bringing the industry to new highs. Turning these goals into reality will be no small feat, as the targets are several hundred times the current installed capacity. Still, this hasn’t dissuaded states from doubling down on offshore wind commitments.

Blog preview 2019 07 30

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Investments in Electric Vehicles Pile Up as Fossil-Fuel Phase Outs Loom

The transportation sector’s overwhelming reliance on higher-emitting fossil fuels combined with a federal retreat on climate change policy and fuel economy standards has made the widespread deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) one of the top priorities for states looking to achieve increasingly stringent emission cuts. Electric utilities, playing a central role in the shift away from gasoline-powered cars, are now rolling out of hundreds of millions of dollars in infrastructure investments and a grab bag of consumer incentives.