week of May. 25, 2020

The EnerKnol Week Ahead is back to give you the key energy policy events happening next week, all powered by the EnerKnol Platform. Coming up, the New York Public Service Commission examines options to align the state's resource adequacy programs with renewable energy and emissions reduction goals; South Carolina regulators review efforts taken to alleviate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on utility customers; Connecticut discusses energy affordability for residential customers.

Featured Entities


Colorado PUC

Connecticut PURA


Idaho PUC

Maryland PSC

Michigan PSC

Minnesota PUC

New York PSC

South Carolina PSC

Wisconsin PSC

Federal Agencies

May 27
DOE Strategic Petroleum Reserve Crude Oil Purchase

The U.S. Energy Department is due to receive bids in response to its request for proposals to buy up to one million barrels of sweet crude oil produced by domestic producers amid an unprecedented drop in demand caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The oil, purchased from small to midsize U.S. oil producers, will be delivered to Strategic Petroleum Reserve sites located in Bayou Choctaw, Big Hill, and Bryan Mound, which can accommodate up to 505,000 barrels in total per day. The purchase intends to test the conditions of physical crude oil available to the reserve. READ MORE

May 28
BLM Wyoming Pipeline Corridor Initiative Virtual Meeting

The Bureau of Land Management will discuss its draft environmental assessment of the Wyoming Pipeline Corridor Initiative, which seeks to designate nearly 2,000 miles of pipeline corridor network for projects associated with carbon capture, utilization and storage, as well as enhanced oil recovery. The initiative, proposed by Wyoming, encompasses pipeline corridors across private, state, and federal lands within the state. The project will not authorize new pipelines or construction, but may amend some of the agency’s resource management plans covering 1,105 miles of energy corridors located on public lands. READ MORE

Eastern Region

May 26
CT PURA Energy Affordability Investigation Comments

The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority is due to receive comments on a series of fact sheets and sample customer service representative scripts to address questions from residential customers who contact distribution companies expressing concerns about their electric bills. The agency directed staff to revise the sheets and scripts filed by Eversource Energy and United Illuminating Company based on stakeholder input as part of its investigation into energy affordability for residential customers. 17-12-03RE01

May 27
SC PSC COVID-19 Mitigation Measures Forum

The South Carolina Public Service Commission will discuss comments filed by utilities regarding measures taken to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The commission issued a directive on May 14, requiring utilities to track revenue impacts, incremental costs and savings related to the pandemic and submit their findings on a quarterly basis. READ MORE

May 28
MD PSC Delmarva Power & Light Rate Case

The Maryland Public Service Commission will hold a virtual hearing on Delmarva Power & Light Company’s application for adjustments of retail electric rates and charges applicable to electric service. The Pepco Holdings LLC subsidiary asked for an annual revenue increase of more than $18.5 million, which would result in an increase of $5.10, or 3.6 percent, in monthly residential bills. 9630

May 29
NY PSC Resource Adequacy Technical Conference

The New York Public Service Commission will review the results of analyses conducted by The Brattle Group to evaluate the merits of existing and potential resource adequacy structures. The commission opened an investigation to examine options to align the state’s resource adequacy programs with renewable energy and emissions reduction goals. The state enacted legislation last year, which requires a carbon-neutral power system by 2040 and codifies the state’s targets of 6 gigawatts of solar by 2025, 3 gigawatts of energy storage by 2030, and 9 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2035. 19-E-0530

Western Region

May 27
MI PSC Enbridge Energy Line 5 Pipeline Replacement Comments

The Michigan Public Service Commission is due to receive reply comments on Enbridge Energy LP’s request for a declaratory ruling that it has siting authority for the replacement of a pipeline segment under the Straits of Mackinac under the original 1953 order approving the Line 5 oil and gas pipeline. The commission put off the company’s application for approval of the replacement to consider whether new authority is required. If the commission finds that Enbridge does not already have the authority for the project, the application would be reviewed as part of a contested case, beginning with public notice and a prehearing conference. READ MORE

May 27
WI PSC 200 MW Solar Project Prehearing

The Wisconsin Public Service Commission will discuss Paris Solar Farm LLC’s application for a permit to build a 200-megawatt solar electric generation facility spanning an area of 1,500 acres in Kenosha County. The Invenergy LLC subsidiary said that the proposed Paris Solar Energy Center represents an investment of more than $220 million. 9801-CE-100

May 28
MN PUC Enbridge Line 3 Routing Permit Amendment Comments

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission is due to receive comments on Enbridge Energy LP’s request for approval of route width and centerline changes to the route of the Line 3 replacement project in the state from the North Dakota border to the Wisconsin border. The commission granted a routing permit on May 1 allowing the replacement of the existing 282-mile pipeline with 330 miles of new pipeline across 13 counties. PPL-15-137

May 28
CO PUC COVID-19 Utility Costs Prehearing

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission will consider a joint petition by the state’s electric and natural gas utilities seeking authorization to track the costs incurred to implement COVID-19 related measures, and to evaluate the recoverability of those costs. The utilities include Atmos Energy Corporation, Colorado Natural Gas Inc., Public Service Company of Colorado, and Black Hills Corporation. READ MORE

May 29
ID PUC Intermountain Power Renewable Natural Gas Supply Plan

The Idaho Public Utilities Commission is due to receive comments on Intermountain Gas Company’s application seeking authority to allow renewable natural gas, or RNG, producers to access the utility’s distribution system for transporting the gas to end-use customers. The company has executed contracts with three RNG producers, and proposes to charge a monthly fee to access its system. RNG is pipeline-quality biomethane produced from biomass that is sourced from livestock operations and landfills. INT-G-20-03