The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources reached a compromise proposal with stakeholders regarding ownership capacity rights of facilities under net metering and, Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target or SMART programs participating in the ISO New England Inc.’s forward capacity market. The agreement would allow owners of storage facilities to retain their rights to bid capacity into the New England market. Electric distribution companies would hold capacity rights for Class II and Class III net metered and SMART facilities, under two options – retain 20 percent of capacity market proceeds or use 100 percent of the proceeds to offset program costs. Developers would have the opportunity to buy out the capacity rights of those facilities from the utility except for standalone solar not paired with storage. The SMART program, announced last January, is a 1,600 MW AC declining-block program, which includes a tariff-based compensation for solar projects as well a non-net metering bill crediting option. Stakeholders include Attorney General’s Office, National Grid plc, EverSource Energy, Northeast Clean Energy Council, Borrego Solar Systems Inc., EnerNOC Inc., Engie Storage, SunRun Inc., and Tesla Inc. EnerNOC is a subsidiary of Enel Green Power North America Inc.