ISO New England Inc. filed revisions with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a new market design that would help emerging storage technologies to “more fully participate” in the wholesale power markets, according to an Oct. 29 news release. The rule would recognize the ability of batteries to transition continuously and rapidly from charging to a discharge state and also allow them to simultaneously take part in the energy, reserves and regulation markets. Currently, 19 megawatts of battery storage facilities are participating in the New England market and over 800 megawatts of stand-alone proposals were on the grid operator’s interconnection queue as of Sept. 1. ISO-NE said the storage design, which began in early 2016, will work towards compliance with the commission’s Feb. 15 order that requires grid operators to establish a participation model for electric storage resources and set a Dec. 3 implementation deadline. Additional changes required for full compliance will be filed separately. ISO-NE requests approval for the revisions to take effect April 1, 2019.