Virginia’s Office of Attorney General, in a July 10 filing with the Virginia State Corporation Commission, said that customers enrolling in Virginia Electric and Power Company’s proposed community pilot solar program would be paying a premium rate over standard customers and should be protected from any statutory framework that could be considered unfair as a result of the conflicting provisions in the proposal. Dominion established the pilot following 2017 legislation that directed investor-owned utilities to design such a program with voluntary subscriptions. The company proposed a voluntary companion tariff that would allow customers to purchase solar from participating facilities in blocks of 100 kilowatt-hours with an initial subscription period of one year. While the law limits participation to 40 megawatts, Dominion has said that it may seek future approval to expand or alter the program and incorporate additional facilities to meet increased customer interest. The office said that voluntary customers should continue to have access to a principal tariff if the program concludes, reaching a point where there are no participating generating facilities to serve the subscribers. Virginia Electric and Power is a subsidiary of Dominion Energy Inc.