week of Feb. 7, 2025

The EnerKnol Week Ahead is back to give you the key energy policy events happening next week, all powered by the EnerKnol Platform. Coming up, the U.S. Energy Department identifies geographic areas for potential designation as National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors; the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission considers changes to its distributed energy resources interconnection process; New York regulators discuss a proposal to streamline vehicle-to-grid queue management as part of the EV Make-Ready program.

Featured Entities


California EC




Minnesota PUC

New York DEC

New York PSC

Federal Agencies

February 11
EIA U.S. Energy Outlook

The U.S. Energy Information Administration will issue its Short-Term Energy Outlook report, providing a forecast of energy supply, demand, and prices. U.S. solar generation capacity is expected to increase by 34 percent in 2025 and 17 percent in 2026, according to the agency’s latest short-term outlook. Increasing generation from renewables is expected to cause natural gas generation to decline by three percent in 2025 and one percent in 2026. Generation from coal-fired power plants is projected to fall by one percent this year followed by a slight increase next year, due to increased competitiveness with natural gas generators that are expected to face rising fuel costs.

February 12
DOC Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee

The U.S. Commerce Department will hold a meeting of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee. The meeting will discuss major issues affecting the competitiveness of the U.S. renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. Established in 2010 and rechartered recently in May 2024, the committee provides advice from the private sector on the development and administration of programs and policies to expand the export competitiveness of U.S. renewable energy and energy efficiency products and services.

February 13
BLM 400 MW Purple Sage Solar Project

The Bureau of Land Management seeks comments on a draft environmental review of a solar power and battery storage project proposed by Nobel Solar LLC in Clark County, Nevada. The Purple Sage Energy Center is designed to generate and store up to 400 megawatts of photovoltaic solar energy and deliver renewable electricity to the regional transmission system. The facility would be located on about 4,456 acres of public lands.

February 14
DOE National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors

The U.S. Energy Department seeks comments on three potential National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors, or NIETCs, which have moved to Phase 3 of the designation process: Tribal Energy Access Corridor, Southwestern Grid Connector Corridor, and Lake Erie-Canada Corridor. The NIETC designation involves a four-phase process that begins with the evaluation of the results of the most recent study identifying potential geographic areas for designation followed by the issuance of a preliminary list of potential designations in the next phase. During the third phase, the department continues to assess the basis for designation, initiates any needed environmental reviews, and conducts public engagement, culminating in the release of one or more draft designation reports and environmental documents. The fourth phase concludes the process with the release of final reports and documents. The Federal Power Act requires a report once every three years to designate as a NIETC any area experiencing, or expected to experience, transmission capacity constraints or congestion that affects consumers.

Eastern Region

February 11
NY DEC Climate Justice Working Group

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation will hold a meeting of the Climate Justice Working Group. The working group is tasked with establishing criteria for identifying disadvantaged communities to reduce co-pollutants, greenhouse gas emissions, prepare regulatory impact statements, and allocate investments pursuant to the 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. The meeting will continue deliberation on revisions to the current criteria.

February 12
NY PSC Vehicle-to-Grid Queue Management

The New York Public Service Commission will hold a meeting of the electric vehicle infrastructure interconnection working group to discuss comments received in response to modifications to a straw proposal on streamlining vehicle-to-grid queue management in the EV make-ready program. The proposal aims to facilitate a supportive process for make-ready applicants from first contact with a utility to EV station energization. The working group was formed to identify, discuss, and resolve the technical barriers and challenges associated with the EV interconnection process, including queue management and EV-specific standardized interconnection requirements. 18-E-0138

Western Region

February 11
MN PUC 150 MW Castle Rock Solar Project

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission seeks reply comments on Castle Rock Solar LLC’s application for a site permit to construct an up to 150-megawatt solar energy generating facility in Castle Rock Township in Dakota County, Minnesota. The project would span approximately 1,355 acres with a project footprint of about 928 acres and interconnect to the existing Chub Lake to Hampton 345 kilovolt transmission line.

February 13
MN PUC DER Interconnection Process

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission will consider proposed changes to its distributed energy resources, or DER, interconnection process with regard to adding new study screens for unintentional islanding. Following a 2023 directive, a workgroup on distribution generation engaged in discussions to consider the possibility of unintentional islanding caused by interconnection of DERs. An island is a condition in which a DER continues to energize a portion of the power system when it is electrically isolated from the utility source. If unplanned, such unintentional islanding condition could become harmful to connected equipment as the DER might not be designed to maintain frequency and voltage without a utility source. CI-16-521

February 13
CA EC 2025 Integrated Energy Policy Report Update

The California Energy Commission will host a workshop to gather feedback on proposed data collection and analysis for the 2025 Integrated Energy Policy Report, or IEPR. The commission is required to regularly assess all aspects of energy demand and supply in order to develop energy policies that conserve resources, protect the environment, and ensure energy reliability, among others. Load-serving entities are required to submit 10-year demand forecasts and resource plans that will provide a foundation for the analyses and recommendations in the IEPR, including resource assessment and analysis of progress towards energy efficiency and renewable energy goals.