Georgia Power’s Fuel Rate Changes Expected to Reduce Annual Billings by $329 Million

New York Grid Operator Anticipates Adequate Resources to Meet Summer Electricity Demand

The New York Independent System Operator Inc. expects to have 41,319 megawatts of power capacity, including in-state generation, imports, and demand response to meet forecasted peak demand this summer, according to a May 28 press release. The grid operator anticipates a peak demand of 32,296 megawatts, which is 86 megawatts lower than the 2019 baseline…...

States Weigh Regulatory Constructs to Capitalize on Multiple Grid Roles of Battery Storage

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – States Weigh Regulatory Constructs to Capitalize on Multiple Grid Roles of Battery Storage

A growing number of states across the U.S. are amping up energy storage to complement the drive towards clean energy as batteries can help integrate diverse generation technologies and stabilize the grid. State commitments to procure battery storage capacity now top 11 gigawatts, following targets established by Nevada and Virginia this year.