EnerKnol Research PU Policy Primer Retail Electric Competition 2022 02 08 Blog preview

Policy Primer: Competitive Retail Electricity Markets February 2022 Update

Revisions to rules governing competitive retail electricity markets are focused on strengthening customer protections while exploring ways to expand access to these markets. Recent actions include efforts to open retail electric competition in Arizona, Connecticut’s investigation into supplier offers, and Maine’s update to marketing standards for retail electric services.

Transmission requirements

California Grid Operator Releases 20-Year Transmission Plan to Meet Clean Energy Goals

The California Independent System Operator Corp. on Feb. 1 released a 20-year transmission outlook that discusses long-term infrastructure requirements to reach the state’s target of generating 100 percent electricity from carbon-neutral sources by 2045. The draft plan is based on the assumption that about 120 gigawatts will have to be added to the grid by…...