EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Energy Storage 2023 06 06 Blog preview 1

Visual Primer: U.S. States Broaden Regulatory Efforts to Facilitate Energy Storage Installations

Heightened activity around energy storage reflects the growing importance of the technology to meet clean energy goals. Increasing levels of renewable energy, electrification of buildings and transportation, as well as… Read the full report  …...

EIA pulse power generation

U.S. Gas-Fired Power Generation Last Winter Reached Record High: EIA

In the most recent winter heating season during Nov 1–March 31, U.S. electricity generation from natural gas was the highest in over 25 years. Setting a record at 619 billion kilowatt-hours (BkWh), gas-fired generation averaged over 120 BkWh per month and accounted for 38 percent of U.S. power generation mix, according to a June 6…...