Wisconsin Power and Light Company is seeking approval of three new tariff options to expand its voluntary renewable energy options for customers, according to its Feb. 18 application filed with the Wisconsin Public Service Commission. The proposal includes a subscription-based community solar program, renewable energy contracts targeted at large commercial and industrial customers, and a pilot allowing the company to operate distributed solar or battery installations in customers’ premises.
- The Community Solar Program would provide a total capacity of up to 3-megawatts, allowing customers to make an upfront investment and receive credit from a facility, choosing subscriptions in 250-Watt increments to meet up to 100 percent of a customer’s annual usage.
- The Renewable Energy Partner Program, capped at 150 megawatts of existing customer load, would provide a framework for agreements with commercial and industrial customers to buy renewable energy form a designated renewable source; participants would receive bill credits for energy produced under an individually negotiated contract.
- The Customer-Hosted Renewables Pilot Program would allow the company to partner with customers in installing distributed and/or solar battery systems; and the customer would receive payments from Wisconsin Power and Light for hosting the “company-owned customer solution” through a negotiated lease agreement.
- Wisconsin Power and Light Company is a subsidiary of Alliant Energy Corporation.