New York Electric Utilities Propose Compensation Methods For Storage-Paired Distributed Generation

New York Electric Utilities Propose Compensation Methods For Storage-Paired Distributed Generation

New York electric utilities proposed a joint tariff providing four options to compensate projects pairing clean energy and storage to ensure that the “value stack” pricing components are available only when it is clear that energy exported to the distribution system originates from the eligible generating equipment, according to a June 19 filing with the…

How School Buses Lie at the Center of Con Edison's Latest Push to Balance the Grid

How School Buses Lie at the Center of Con Edison’s Latest Push to Balance the Grid

Consolidated Edison Company wants to electrify school buses across the New York area under a plan to have the fleet of vehicles double as energy storage batteries capable of helping the utility meet swings in power demand on its grid. The 8,000-odd school buses operating in Westchester County and New York City, if electrified, could…

National Grid Unveils 'Power Sector Transformation' Grid Investment Plan, Rate Hikes

National Grid Unveils ‘Power Sector Transformation’ Grid Investment Plan, Rate Hikes

A unit of National Grid plc filed a plan to invest in renewable generation, electric vehicle infrastructure and energy storage, as well as hike rates to cover the cost of the initiatives, as the utility looks to adapt its system to emerging technologies and cut emissions of greenhouse gases. To pay for the program, National…

New York to reach its Energy Storage Targe

San Diego Gas & Electric Cleared for $235 Million Energy Storage Program, as Supply Void Looms

The California Public Utilities Commission authorized San Diego Gas & Electric Company to recover the entire costs for its procurement of 83.5 megawatts of energy storage and 4.5 megawatts of demand response, as the utility scrambles to lock in supplies after the closure of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, according to a June 7…

Xcel Energy Unveils $2.5 Billion Plan for Renewable Energy Shift, Coal Plant Closures

Xcel Energy Unveils $2.5 Billion Plan for Renewable Energy Shift, Coal Plant Closures

Public Service Company of Colorado, a unit of Xcel Energy Inc., filed its Colorado Energy Plan, a blueprint for the utility to source over half of its electricity supply from renewables and cut carbon emissions by 60 percent by 2026. The plan, filed June 6 with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, directs the company to…

U.S. Senator Introduces Trio of Bills to Boost Funding for Grid Security, Energy Storage, Carbon Capture

U.S. Senator Introduces Trio of Bills to Boost Funding for Grid Security, Energy Storage, Carbon Capture

U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, a Democrat representing Colorado, introduced legislation on June 5 that would provide $5 billion in financing under the U.S. Agriculture Department’s rural utility service program for cybersecurity and grid security enhancements. A second bill would include energy storage under the department’s Rural Energy for America Program, providing financial support for agricultural…

Duke Slashes North Carolina Grid Modernization Plan by $5.3 Billion Following Environmental Groups' Opposition

Duke Slashes North Carolina Grid Modernization Plan by $5.3 Billion Following Environmental Groups’ Opposition

Duke Energy Carolinas LLC reached an agreement with environmental groups June 1 to cut the price tag of its Power/Forward Carolinas grid modernization plan to $2.5 billion, from $7.8 billion, and scale back the initiative to three years, from a decade. Duke’s updated plan includes voltage optimization, electric-vehicle charging infrastructure and at least 300 megawatts…

Colorado Enacts Legislation to Pave Way for Utilities to Invest in Energy Storage

Colorado Enacts Legislation to Pave Way for Utilities to Invest in Energy Storage

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, signed legislation on June 1 ordering the utility commission to establish a process by February 2019 for electric utilities to evaluate and invest in energy storage as the state looks to harness the emerging technology. The bill allows electric utilities to file applications for rate-based projects of up to…

PSEG Plans to Invest $17 Billion in New Jersey to Modernize Energy System, Boost Renewables

PSEG Plans to Invest $17 Billion in New Jersey to Modernize Energy System, Boost Renewables

The Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. announced plans on May 31 to invest as much as $17 billion through 2022 in energy grid modernization and clean energy programs in New Jersey. The company plans to spend $2.5 billion to extend its Energy Strong program aimed at improving reliability and resiliency by bolstering electric and gas…

Michigan Senate Urges State to Explore Adding Energy Storage to the Grid

Michigan Senate Urges State to Explore Adding Energy Storage to the Grid

The Michigan Senate on May 30 adopted a resolution calling on the Michigan Agency for Energy to engage in a discussion to explore the potential to integrate energy storage into the state’s electric market. The move comes as some states look to harness energy storage technologies to improve grid resilience following the devastating hurricane season…

Nearly 40 Percent of Large-Scale Batteries in U.S. Found in Mid-Atlantic Grid Thanks to Favorable Market: EIA

Nearly 40 Percent of Large-Scale Batteries in U.S. Found in Mid-Atlantic Grid Thanks to Favorable Market: EIA

About 40 percent of the 700 megawatts of large-scale battery storage capacity installed in the U.S. is found in the grid operated by PJM Interconnection LLC thanks to favorable market conditions, according to a May 21 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. PJM created a frequency regulation market in 2012 to provide better payments…

U.S. Energy Department to Invest $69 Million in Electric Vehicles, $30 Million in Storage Technology to Enhance Reliability

U.S. Energy Department to Invest $69 Million in Electric Vehicles, $30 Million in Storage Technology to Enhance Reliability

The U.S. Energy Department on May 1 announced funding opportunities for advanced electric vehicle projects focused on batteries and electrification including cyber security, materials for lighter weight vehicle structures and powertrains, as well as technology integration for overall system efficiency. The department also announced funding for a new program called “Duration Addition to electricity Storage,”…