One-Third of U.S. Households Faced Energy Insecurity in 2015

New York Bill Would Restrain Cryptocurrency Mining Operations Over Environmental Concerns

The New York legislature on June 2 passed a bill aimed to stop cryptocurrency mining operations that use fossil fuels to power their facilities. The bill would amend the existing Environment Conservation Law to ban operations that use “proof-of-work authentication” methods to validate blockchain transactions. Proof-of-work authentication methods refer to consensus algorithm in a block-chain…...

President Biden Commits U.S. to Achieve 50 Percent Emissions Reductions in 2030

U.S. Energy Department Examines Reforms to Loan Guarantee Program Rule

The U.S. Energy Department’s Loan Program Office issued a request for information on June 1 to update and improve its Title XVII Innovative Technologies Loan Guarantee Program intended to support early commercial use of advanced technologies. The agency seeks feedback from various stakeholders including developers, investors, government agencies, academia, and impacted communities. The input will…...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Natural Gas Planning 2022 05 30 Blog preview

Visual Primer: Natural Gas Planning Comes to the Fore as States Advance Climate Policy

Several states that have ambitious clean energy and emissions reduction mandates are investigating the role of natural gas in the shift to a low-carbon power system. Actions at the federal level, spurred by the Biden administration’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, are also catalyzing efforts to decarbonize the gas system.

EnerKnol Research PU Policy Primer Offshore Wind 2022 05 17 Blog preview

Policy Primer: Offshore Wind Industry May 2022 Update

The U.S. offshore wind industry is poised for continued progress as evident from the recent record-setting New York Bight wind auction, the first to be held under the Biden administration.

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Carbon Capture 2022 05 03 Blog preview

Visual Primer: U.S. Energy Industry Turns to Carbon Capture to Reach Net-Zero Emissions

The increasing focus on reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions to achieve climate goals has drawn renewed attention to the deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies. Federal investments in carbon management through the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) have provided a near-term opportunity to scale commercial carbon capture projects.

EnerKnol Research PU Policy Primer Energy Storage 2022 04 26 Blog preview

Policy Primer: Energy Storage April 2022 Update

Energy storage is evolving to be an essential part of the energy transition given its ability to provide power on demand and optimize grid performance amid the proliferation of intermittent renewable energy resources.

EnerKnol Research PU Policy Primer Carbon Pricing 2022 04 19 Blog preview

Policy Primer: Carbon Pricing April 2022 Update

U.S. carbon markets drew strong participation in recent auctions reflecting potentially higher demand for carbon allowances in anticipation of more stringent federal and state climate policies. Washington is advancing a new cap-and-invest program, while Vermont is examining options for a similar initiative to cut transportation sector emissions.

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Green Tariffs

Visual Primer: Utilities Expand Opportunities for Customer Participation in Carbon Mitigation Programs

Energy utilities across the U.S. are expanding opportunities for customers to participate in programs designed to reduce their carbon footprint. Green pricing options have been on the rise, encouraging consumers to meet a portion of their electricity needs from renewable energy resources. Carbon offset programs are becoming popular among natural gas utilities, allowing customers to compensate for their combustion-related emissions.