U.S. Energy Department Launches $6 Billion Program to Sustain Ailing Nuclear Power Plants

DOE Invests $175 Million in Advanced Energy Projects Across 22 States

The U.S. Energy Department on Feb. 14 announced a $175 million funding for 68 research and development projects to foster the commercial deployment of advanced technologies including fusion energy, electric vehicles, and offshore wind. The initiative is led by the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) wherein the OPEN 2021 program will prioritize funding to support…...

New Jersey Examines Resource Adequacy Alternatives to Advance Clean Energy Goals

California Commission Adopts Plan to Add Over 25 Gigawatts of Renewables by 2032

The California Public Utilities Commission on Feb. 10 approved an integrated resource plan to ensure the reliability of the electric grid and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The agency adopted an emissions reduction goal for the state’s electric sector of 35 million metric tons in 2032, nearly 25 percent lower than the previous target of 46…...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer PURPA 2021 09 07 Blog preview 1

Environmental, Clean Energy Groups Challenge Approval of Southeast Energy Exchange Market

Environmental and clean energy organizations, represented by the Southern Environmental Law Center and Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, petitioned the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to review the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s approval of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM). The SEEM proposal was originally submitted by large southeast utilities such as…...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer IRP 2022 02 15 Blog preview

Visual Primer: Utilities’ Long-Term Plans Reflect Efforts to Expedite Coal Plant Retirements

Long-term planning strategies of electric utilities across the U.S. reflect the growing trend towards phasing out coal-fired power generation while embracing renewables. Coal power plants account for 85 percent of electric generating capacity scheduled to retire in the U.S. during 2022, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

New Jersey Examines Resource Adequacy Alternatives to Advance Clean Energy Goals

Minnesota Commission Approves Xcel’s Plan to End Coal-Powered Generation by 2030

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission on Feb. 8 approved Xcel Energy Inc.’s 2019 integrated resource plan, which outlines investments between 2020 and 2034. In the approved plan, the utility seeks to acquire or build up to 4,650 megawatts of renewable energy resources by 2032, including solar, wind, and storage. Xcel’s plan is expected to lower…...

renewable portfolio standard

Alaska Governor Proposes Legislation Requiring 80 Percent Renewable Energy by 2040

Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy on Feb. 4 introduced legislation to create a renewable portfolio standard that would require utilities to use qualifying resources for 80 percent of their sales by the end of 2040. If enacted, Alaska would join 30 states and two territories, which have standards or goals to procure a certain percentage of…...

NY Green Bank Commitments Exceed $900 Million, Driving $2.4 Billion in Clean Energy Investments

Puget Sound Energy’s Three-Year Rate Plan Proposes Investments to Meet Washington’s Clean Energy Goals

Puget Sound Energy has filed a three year rate plan with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission requesting revenue increases that revolve around delivering secure and efficient energy, improving climate resiliency and accelerating efforts towards meeting striving clean energy goals. Under the plan, proposed for the 2023-2025 period, a residential customer would see an average…...

EnerKnol Research PU Policy Primer Retail Electric Competition 2022 02 08 Blog preview

Policy Primer: Competitive Retail Electricity Markets February 2022 Update

Revisions to rules governing competitive retail electricity markets are focused on strengthening customer protections while exploring ways to expand access to these markets. Recent actions include efforts to open retail electric competition in Arizona, Connecticut’s investigation into supplier offers, and Maine’s update to marketing standards for retail electric services.

Transmission requirements

California Grid Operator Releases 20-Year Transmission Plan to Meet Clean Energy Goals

The California Independent System Operator Corp. on Feb. 1 released a 20-year transmission outlook that discusses long-term infrastructure requirements to reach the state’s target of generating 100 percent electricity from carbon-neutral sources by 2045. The draft plan is based on the assumption that about 120 gigawatts will have to be added to the grid by…...


Georgia Power Plans to Phase Out Coal-Fired Generation, Double Renewables by 2035

Georgia Power on Jan. 31 filed its 2022 Integrated Resource Plan with the Georgia Public Service Commission, proposing to close all of its coal assets by 2035. The company intends to retire a total of 12 generation assets producing more than 3,500 megawatts by 2028. To assist this asset transformation, the utility is planning to…...


California’s Western Energy Imbalance Market Nears $2 Billion in Cumulative Benefits

The Western Energy Imbalance market generated $739 million in benefits in 2021, the highest annual benefits achieved since the market launched in 2014, according to a Jan. 31 press release from the California Independent System Operator Corporation. This brings the cumulative benefits of the real-time energy market close to the $2 billion mark. The previous…...