The Kansas Corporation Commission approved a settlement that lowers electric rates for customers of Westar Energy Inc. by $66 million annually, resulting in a $3.80 cut in monthly bills, according to a Sept. 27 press release. The settlement includes bill credits of about $50 million to reflect savings from the federal tax law that slashed the corporate income tax to 21 percent from 35 percent. Customers will also receive about $23 million resulting from the merger of Westar and Kansas City Power and Light Company. The commission approved a three-part rate design for customers who installed distribution generation after Oct. 28, 2015 finding that these customers are not paying their share of fixed costs which are unduly borne by other customers under the current two-part rate. The settlement adds a demand charge of $3 in the winter and $9 in the summer for residential distributed generation customers, leaving service charges intact and lowering energy charges by 40 percent.