week of Apr. 20, 2023

The EnerKnol Week Ahead is back to give you the key energy policy events happening next week, all powered by the EnerKnol Platform. Coming up, New York discusses the impacts of extreme heat and state actions to help communities prepare and adapt; the North Carolina Utilities Commission reviews a draft rule governing Duke Energy's biennial carbon plan and integrated resource plan; and the U.S. Energy Department is set to receive applications for projects under a $47 million initiative to support the research, development and demonstration of clean hydrogen technologies.

Featured Entities



California EC


Minnesota PUC

North Carolina UC

New York DEC

New York PSC

Federal Agencies

April 25
BOEM Gulf of Mexico Wind Energy Development

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is due to receive comments on two potential wind energy areas located off the coasts of Galveston, Texas, and Lake Charles, Louisiana. The areas, which represent the first wind energy areas in the Gulf of Mexico region, cover more than 700,000 acres and have the potential to power more than three million homes. The two areas are part of the original 30-million acre Gulf of Mexico call area that the agency announced in October 2021. The agency is expected to issue the final environmental assessment this month.

April 27
BLM Solar Lease Auction

The Bureau of Land Management will conduct a competitive auction to lease public lands for solar energy production on approximately 1,064 acres in the De Tilla Gulch area of Saguache County, Colorado. The sale will support the current administration’s goal of a carbon-free power sector by 2035, as well as the direction in the Energy Act of 2020 to permit 25 gigawatts of solar, wind, and geothermal energy production on public lands by 2025.

April 27
DOE Hydrogen Research Funding Opportunity

The U.S. Energy Department is due to receive full applications in response to its $47 million funding opportunity to support the research, development, and demonstration of affordable clean hydrogen technologies. Projects funded under this opportunity will reduce costs, enhance hydrogen infrastructure, and improve the performance of hydrogen fuel cells, advancing the department’s Hydrogen Shot goal of reducing the cost of clean hydrogen to $1 per kilogram within the decade. Topics of focus include key hydrogen delivery and storage technologies as well as affordable and durable fuel cell technologies.

Eastern Region

April 27
NY PSC Indian Point Nuclear Plant Decommissioning

The New York Public Service Commission will hold a joint meeting of the Indian Point Closure Task Force and Decommissioning Oversight Board established to provide guidance and support for communities affected by the three-unit Indian Point Energy Center ceasing operations. The meeting will examine the scope and goals of the task force and the oversight board, and presentations on key issues related to the decommissioning and spent fuel management. The task force is charged with exploring ways to mitigate local tax and workforce impacts and evaluate new economic opportunities and initiatives, as well as identifying a decommissioning timeline that is in the interest of local communities. The oversight board is required to assess ways to protect the interest of affected communities including current workforce and public safety. Indian Point, which had a capacity of 1,040 megawatts, shut down its last nuclear reactor on April 30, 2021, marking the end of 59 years of continuous power generation.

April 27
NY DEC Extreme Heat Action Plan

The New York Department of Environmental Conservation and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority will hold the first in a series of webinars to discuss the impacts of extreme heat in the state. The agencies aim to gather information in order to develop an extreme heat action plan in response to the increased frequency of events caused by climate change. The webinar will focus on learning about extreme heat impacts on the built environment, ranging from buildings to transportation infrastructure, and consider the impacts across a variety of scales, from the neighbourhood to the regional level. The agencies will also explore what actions are working to moderate the impacts of these extreme events for individuals and communities.

April 28
NC UC Duke Energy Carbon Plan

Duke Energy Carolinas LLC and Duke Energy Progress LLC are due to submit a draft of a proposed rule governing the companies’ biennial carbon plan and integrated resource plan with the North Carolina Utilities Commission. Legislation enacted in 2021 mandates a 70 percent reduction in emissions from electricity generating assets in North Carolina owned or utilized by Duke Energy Progress and Duke Energy Carolinas from 2005 levels by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050. The commission adopted an initial carbon plan in December 2022, providing direction for the companies to engage with staff and stakeholders to draft the proposal. READ MORE

Western Region

April 27
MN PUC Minnesota Power Rate Case

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission will decide whether it should accept Minnesota Power’s application for reconsideration of the commission’s order in the company’s rate electric case proceeding. The commission approved a rate increase of approximately $59 million, or approximately 9 percent, and a return on equity of 9.65 percent. The change increases an average residential customer’s monthly bill by about 2 percent above the interim rate they currently pay, according to the company. The ALLETE Inc. subsidiary initially requested a net increase of $108.3 million, or 17.58 percent, for 2022 with a return on equity of 10.25 percent. GR-21-335

April 27
CA EC Clean Transportation Advisory Committee

The California Energy Commission will host a meeting of the Clean Transportation Program Advisory Committee to discuss funding allocations in the draft report for the 2023-2024 Investment Plan Update for the program. The commission has an annual budget of approximately $100 million for the program and provides financial and technical support for a range of projects. These include projects that reduce greenhouse gases as well as criteria and toxic air pollutants from the transportation sector and support electric vehicle charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure. The meeting will include presentations on the implementation of the program and related zero-emission vehicle infrastructure analysis. 23-ALT-01