Wind Turbine Prototype Receives DOE Grant for Full-Scale Deployment

The DOE has signed a $3.8M cooperative research agreement with the University of Maine to support full-scale deployment of the first U.S. grid-connected offshore floating wind turbine prototype. On September 5, 2014, the University of Maine (UMaine) announced that the Department of Energy (DOE) signed a $3.8M cooperative research agreement with UMaine to advance design…...

RGGI Releases Results of 25th Carbon Auction

The 25th RGGI carbon auction, which marks RGGI’s sixth full year, sold allowances at $4.88 each, generating approximately $87.83M. On September 5, 2014, the nine member states of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) released results of their 25th carbon auction (Auction 25) held on September 3.  Auction 25 offered 17,998,687 allowances at a reserve…...

[Report] NY REV Straw Proposal Recommends Utility-Owned Distributed Energy Resources

The New York Department of Public Service (DPS) staff has issued a Straw Proposal on achieving the Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) Track One goals. The straw proposal reaffirms the initial April 24 proceeding which identified utilities’ role in managing a distributed system platform (DSP) and growing the state’s existing Distributed Energy Resource (DER) assets. Despite…...