Energy Efficiency

MIT Conference Panelists Ponder the Utility’s Place in our Energy Future

Panelists: Lena Hansen, Principal at Next Generation Electricity Initiative, Rocky Mountain Institute; Bruce Braine, VP, Strategic Policy Analysis at American Electric Power; Terry Boston, President and CEO at PJM; Brendan Endicott, Director of Advanced Demand Response at EnerNOC. Moderated by Dr. Richard Schmalensee, Howard W. Johnson Professor of Management, Emeritus, MIT Professor of Economics At…...

Emerging Markets: Opportunities for Energy Innovation

In the last 20 years, energy innovation has become a global process in terms of education, finance, technology, and markets.  At the 2013 MIT Energy Conference a panel of experts discussed pros and cons of innovative energy solutions in emerging markets. Emerging markets provide attractive opportunities for innovative energy systems.  The competitive advantage of renewable…...

Opportunities in Thermal Efficiency: Combined Heat and Power

On March 2nd, at the 2013 MIT Energy Conference, experts gathered from academia, government, and the business community for a lively discussion about CHP.  Below, we highlight key takeaways from both technology and regulatory perspectives. Combined heat and power (CHP) systems are 30% more efficient than conventional separate heat and power (SHP), thus representing major efficiency opportunities to commercial…...

Bipartisan Policy Center Releases Energy Policy Recommendations Report

A recent report from the Bipartisan Policy Center outlines common ground energy policy recommendations that build on energy abundance and efficiency accomplishments of the U.S.    On February 27, 2013, the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) released a report proposing a set of recommendations intended to serve as a blueprint for establishing strong and diverse energy resource portfolios…....

Business Roundtable Releases Report Outlining Recommendations for Energy Policy

Chief executives of leading U.S. companies released a report outlining recommendations for a comprehensive energy policy framework that would capitalize on the nation’s strengths to enhance self-sufficiency, economic growth, and environmental stewardship. On February 25, 2013, Business Roundtable, a national association of corporate executives, released a report outlining recommendations to devise a comprehensive energy policy…...

SOTU 2013: President Obama Pushes For Climate Change Action

President Obama outlined bold actions to combat climate change, elaborating on his inaugural vow to address the issue.  Obama further pledged to use his executive power to tackle climate change challenges if Congress denied action. At his State of the Union (SOTU) speech on February 12, 2013, President Obama cast a bold vision on climate change…...

Climate Change Debate Intensifies

Divided opinions over climate change issues delayed approval of the draft oversight plan in the House Energy and Commerce Committee.  Democrats called to amend the draft plan to hold hearings on climate change science, an issue that Republicans have long opposed. On February 6, 2013, democrats in the House Energy and Commerce Committee introduced a…...

Cuomo’s Plans to Overhaul New York’s Energy Infrastructure

Recognizing the need to upgrade New York’s energy infrastructure in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Governor Cuomo’s plans would fundamentally redesign the state’s power system.  In his 2013 State of the State report, the Governor highlighted increased grid resiliency, renewable power integration, and reduced dependence on centralized power systems. Governor Cuomo’s proposals follow an interim report…...

$1 Billion Green Bank to Advance New York’s Clean Energy Economy

As part of the state’s 2013 energy package, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo proposed a $1 billion “Green Bank” to draw in private sector money and spark investment in clean energy projects.  The Governor also named a “Cabinet-Level Energy Czar” to advance cleantech strategies.  The announcements are a step forward to promote renewable energy development…...

EPA Publishes Final Emissions Standards for Stationary Sources

The EPA recently released its final revisions to the RICE NESHAP rule, which requires all  facilities with existing, non-emergency diesel-powered engines to upgrade their engines. The rule impacts many public utilities, hospitals, oil and gas producers, and other large facilities. According to the EPA, there are over 900,000 stationary engines that will be affected by the ruling. On January 14, 2013, EPA…...