New York City Launches Building Retrofit Plan to Reduce Emissions

NYC has committed to reduce emissions to 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050, beginning with a comprehensive plan to retrofit all public buildings by 2025 and set target reductions and mandates for private buildings. On September 21, 2014, New York City (NYC) Mayor de Blasio announced a new goal of reducing emissions to 80…...

Senate Finance Committee Hearing on Energy Tax Policy Reforms

On September 17, 2014, the Senate Committee on Finance held a hearing titled “Reforming America’s Outdated Energy Tax Code” to discuss possible reforms to the U.S. energy tax policy. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) underscored the need for predictable, level playing-field tax policy that puts renewables on the same footing as other…...

New Funding to Modernize Rural Electric Infrastructure

The USDA has announced new funding to modernize the rural electric infrastructure across 15 states. On September 9, 2014, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a funding of more than $518M to rural electric cooperatives to modernize the rural electric infrastructure, increase electric system reliability, and improve electricity delivery across 15 states.  The funding,…...

[Report] NY REV Straw Proposal Recommends Utility-Owned Distributed Energy Resources

The New York Department of Public Service (DPS) staff has issued a Straw Proposal on achieving the Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) Track One goals. The straw proposal reaffirms the initial April 24 proceeding which identified utilities’ role in managing a distributed system platform (DSP) and growing the state’s existing Distributed Energy Resource (DER) assets. Despite…...

California and Quebec Join Carbon Markets to Minimize Compliance Burden

On August 7, 2014, California and Quebec held a successful practice joint carbon emissions allowance auction in preparation for the first ever cross-border auction on November 2014. Despite varied participation levels in Quebec’s first four auctions, activity is expected to increase with program maturity and the upcoming 2015 compliance deadline.The programs – under the Western…...

Hawaiian Electric Companies Propose Comprehensive Energy Plans

Hawaiian Electric Companies have proposed comprehensive electric energy plans with a goal to achieve more than 65 percent renewable energy by 2030.   On August 26, 2014, the Hawaiian Electric Companies – Hawaiian Electric, Maui Electric, and Hawaii Electric Light Company – proposed electric energy plans in response to the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission’s (PUC)…...

Vermont’s First Solar Microgrid Project with Battery Backup

Vermont’s Green Mountain Power has begun work on an innovative solar project that combines energy storage and microgrid integration. On August 12, 2014, Green Mountain Power (GMP), a Vermont electricity utility, announced breaking ground on the $10M Stafford Hill Solar Farm project in Rutland, Vermont.  According to the U.S. Department of Energy, it is the…...

California and Mexico Sign Climate and Energy Agreements

During a Trade and Investment Mission to Mexico, California Governor Brown signed agreements with Mexico to enhance cooperation on environmental issues and encourage cross-border clean energy investments. On July 28, 2014, California Governor Edmund G. Brown, Mexico’s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Undersecretary Rodolfo Lacy, and Mexican National Forestry Commission Director General Jorge Rescala…...

DOE Issues $4B Loan Guarantee Solicitation

DOE has issued a $4B loan guarantee solicitation to support innovative renewable energy and energy efficiency projects that mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. On July 3, 2014, the Department of Energy (DOE) issued a loan guarantee solicitation of up to $4B for innovative renewable energy and energy efficiency projects aimed to prevent, reduce, or sequester greenhouse…...

NYEW 2014 Transportation Breakfast: The Need for Standards and the Right Market for Innovation

The transportation sector plays a large role in economic competitiveness and in environmental sustainability, which according to the EPA, accounted for 27 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in 2010, trailing just the power sector. Going forward, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects an average energy consumption increase of 1.1 percent by the world transportation sector…....

NYEW 2014 Energy Storage Roundtable: Calling for Clear Guidelines and Incentives

Policymakers and industry leaders are increasingly understanding the importance of energy storage in a number of applications, such as integrating renewable energy sources and providing grid resiliency, which has become particularly exigent in New York in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. As a result, organizations like the New York Battery and Energy Storage Technology (NY-BEST)…...

ARPA-E Announces $33M Funding for DG Technologies at New York Energy Week

ARPA-E has announced $33M in funding under its new REBELS program to support innovative distributed generation technologies.   On June 19, 2014, the Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) announced $33M in funding for 13 projects through its new Reliable Electricity Based on Electrochemical Systems (REBELS) program.  The new projects will focus on…...