Policy Primer: Grid Modernization - October 2021 Update

Policy Primer: Grid Modernization – October 2021 Update

A growing number of states are turning to grid modernization initiatives aimed at creating a more flexible system that can accommodate the proliferation of distributed energy resources (DER) and other solutions that meet changing customer needs and climate goals.

RPS Mapper September 2021

RPS Mapper – U.S. Renewable Portfolio Standards September 2021 Update

State renewable portfolio standards (RPS) are a key driver behind the torrid expansion of wind and solar generation across the U.S., responsible for about half of the nation’s deployment of clean energy sources over the last couple of decades, according to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Over three dozen states, territories and the nation’s capital…

Visual Primer: Wave Towards 100 Percent Clean Power Intensifies as Illinois and Oregon Join the Pack

Visual Primer: Wave Towards 100 Percent Clean Power Intensifies as Illinois and Oregon Join the Pack

The importance of U.S. state renewable portfolio standards (RPS) continues to grow, with recent changes reflecting the trend of strengthening renewable energy targets. Several states have expanded their RPS programs to broader clean energy standards, which establish milestones to achieve a carbon-free electricity supply.

Solar Panels Power Plants

Illinois Law Requires 100 Percent Clean Energy, Aids Nuclear Plants

Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker, a Democrat, signed legislation on Sept. 15 that puts the state on the path to 100 percent clean energy by 2050. The law sets a goal of 50 percent renewable energy by 2040 and provides financial support for the states’ existing nuclear plants at risk of closure due to market…...

Visual Primer: Reforms to PURPA Rules Influence Small Renewable Energy Development Across U.S.

Visual Primer: Reforms to PURPA Rules Influence Small Renewable Energy Development Across U.S.

Amid the growing interest in clean energy, state and federal policy changes to utility power procurement rules under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) are shaping the portfolios of small renewable power producers. PURPA, which has been a key driver of renewable generation in the U.S., sets requirements for utilities to purchase power from small independent electricity and cogeneration facilities.

Policy Primer: Competitive Retail Electricity Markets August 2021 Update

Policy Primer: Competitive Retail Electricity Markets August 2021 Update

As the retail energy marketplace evolves, state lawmakers and regulators are expanding their focus on the impacts to clean energy and long-term reliability, in addition to consumer protections and operational efficiencies.

Policy Primer: U.S. Offshore Wind Industry August 2021 Update

Policy Primer: U.S. Offshore Wind Industry August 2021 Update

The U.S. offshore wind industry is making strides with significant milestones including approval of the first large-scale project in federal waters, federal efforts to advance permitting processes, and actions towards potential development in the Pacific.

Southwest Power Pool Proposes Rules to Implement Western Power Market

Bonneville Power Administration Moves Closer to Join Western Power Market to Enhance Transmission Reliability, Resource Utilization

The Bonneville Power Administration on July 29 released a draft decision to join the Western Energy Imbalance Market, or EIM, operated by the California Independent System Operator Corp., in March 2022 after a three-year evaluation of the market opportunity. The federal power marketing administration, which sells electricity from 31 federal dams and one nuclear plant…...

State Policy Playbook: Oregon Embarks on Ambitious Agenda to Decarbonize Power Grid by 2040

State Policy Playbook: Oregon Embarks on Ambitious Agenda to Decarbonize Power Grid by 2040

Oregon has embarked on a clean energy transition with the enactment of sweeping legislation that mandates carbon-free power by 2040, setting one of the most ambitious decarbonization timelines in the nation. The state’s carbon reduction efforts range from legislative measures to study renewable hydrogen and expand transportation electrification, to rulemaking for a climate protection plan, and investigation into resource adequacy.

Policy Primer: Carbon Pricing July 2021 Update

Policy Primer: Carbon Pricing July 2021 Update

Emission trading is coming to prominence as a key market-based tool in state efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, including decarbonization of the electricity sector. Among recent actions Washington has enacted legislation to implement an economy-wide cap-and-invest system, becoming the second state to have a comprehensive carbon-pricing program, and Pennsylvania has adopted rulemaking for a carbon trading program covering the power sector.

New Mexico Enacts Trio of Bills Supporting Renewable Energy Expansion

Oregon Law Requires 100 Percent Carbon-Free Electricity by 2040

Oregon Governor Kate Brown, a Democrat, signed legislation on July 19 requiring electricity providers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity sold to Oregon consumers to 80 percent below a 2010-2012 baseline of average emissions by 2030, 90 percent by 2035, and 100 percent by 2040. The law requires each electric company to develop…...